Den føderale valgkommisjonen har ilagt Hillary Clinton og Demokratene bøter for å ha løyet om at de betalte over en million dollar for drittpakken om Trump som eks-agent Christopher Steele laget.

The Federal Election Commission has fined the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign for lying about the funding of the infamous, and discredited, Russian “dossier” used in a smear attempt against Donald Trump weeks before he shocked the world with his 2016 presidential victory.

Hillary får 8.000 i bot og DNC 105.000, ikke de helt store beløpene. Men mannen som la inn klagen, er likevel fornøyd.

Dan Backer, who brought the complaint on behalf of the foundation, which focuses on free speech and the First Amendment, told Secrets, “This may well be the first time that Hillary Clinton — one of the most evidently corrupt politicians in American history — has actually been held legally accountable, and I’m proud to have forced the FEC to do their job for once. The Coolidge Reagan Foundation proved that with pluck and grit, Americans who stand with integrity can stand up to the Clinton machine and other corrupt political elites.”

Trump har gått til sivilt søksmål mot Hillary og ledende Demokrater for bevisst å ha funnet opp og spredt en løgn om at han var russisk agent.

Scoop: FEC fines DNC and Clinton for Trump dossier hoax

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