En hemmelig rapport hentet ut av forskningslaboratoriet til det amerikanske forsvarsdepartementet, DARPA, viser at Tony Fauci og Peter Daszak gjerne ville gjøre gain-of-function forskning i Wuhan, men fikk nei pga moratoriet. Fauci fortsatte likevel. Det var snakk om en et spike-protein som skulle brukes i sprayform mot flaggermus. Men viruset lekket ut av laboratoriet før forsøket kunne settes ut i livet og pandemien var et faktum.

A former DARPA official claimed in a letter to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense last summer that “a synthetic spike protein chimera” was created at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to inoculate bats in caves, but it escaped from the lab before it was ready, causing the COVID-19 pandemic instead.

New documents reveal that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID went ahead and funded top secret research dubbed “Project Defuse” at the Wuhan Lab after the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) rejected the project because it violated a gain of function research moratorium.

DARPA sa nei fordi prosjektet ikke vurderte risikoen forbundet med det.

Forsøket var ment å hindre at et covid-virus startet en pandemi. Men noe gikk galt og dermed var det nettopp det man utløste som man ville forhindre.

“SARS-CoV-2 is a synthetic spike protein chimera engineered to attach to human ACE2 receptors (proteins that provide the entry point for the coronavirus) and inserted into recombinant bat SARSr-CoV backbone,” Murphy wrote. “The reason the disease is so confusing is because it is less a virus than it is engineered spike proteins hitch-hiking a ride on a SARSr-CoV2 quasispecies swarm.”

According to the Marine, the project was meant to prevent a deadly SARS CoV outbreak, but it leaked from the lab—causing the deadly SARS CoV pandemic.

Project Veritas publiserte mandag brevet som en major i marinekorpset, Joseph Murphy, skrev til generalinspektøren for forsvaret. Murphy forklarer hvorfor vaksinerte er dårlig beskyttet mot nye varianter.

The Marine explained that the reason the vaccines work so poorly is because “they are synthetic replications of the already synthetic SARS CoV WIV spike proteins, and possess no other epitopes (the part of a biomolecule—such as a protein—that is the target of an immune response).

“The nature of using a spike protein vaccine with one epitope against a spike protein vaccine with a quasispecies [SARS CoV2] may explain the unusual (and potentially detrimental) antibody response amongst the vaccinated to new COVID variants,” Murphy wrote in his letter last summer, foreshadowing the situation the vaccinated are clearly in today with the Omicron variant.

Murphy skjønte at noe skummet hadde skjedd når han så de massive forsøkene som ble gjort for å legge lokk på storyen.

The Marine explained the reason he knew something nefarious was going on was because of the government’s “massive Manhattan Project level of information suppression” which was executed with the help of its willing accomplices in the media through the “Trusted News Initiative.”

Trusted News Initiative er en sammenslutning av mediehus som samarbeider om å strømlinjeforme nyhetene etter en politisk agenda.



Former DARPA Official: COVID-19 Was Designed to Be an Aerosolized Synthetic Spike Protein Vaccine For Bats

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