Woke-politikere er blottet for humor. Richard Blumenthal mener Steve Bannon oppfordrer til mord. Foto: Susan Walsh/AP/Scanpix

Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn) synes Big Tech sensurerer for lite. Han var fornøyd med at Twitter suspenderte kontoen til Steve Bannon, og fjernet War Room-videoen fra Facebook, men mente at Facebook ikke gikk langt nok når de lot Bannon bli.

«You removed the video, Mr. Zuckerberg, but on Thursday, you reportedly told Facebook employees that Bannon had not violated enough policies that he should be banned from Facebook,» Blumenthal said. «My question to you: How many times is Steve Bannon allowed to call for the murder of government officials before Facebook suspends his account?»

Bannon sa i sendingen at Trump bør sparke smitteeksperten Anthony Fauci og FBI-sjef Christopher Wray og hvis det var opp til ham skulle de fått samme avstraffelse som under Elizabeth den store i England: Deres hoder skulle settes på staker til skrekk og advarsel.

Det er dette som Blumenthal tar som en oppfordring til mord. Han tar Bannon bokstavelig. Det sikreste ville være om man samtidig forbød satire.

Blumenthal synes Facebook har gitt etter for konservative krav.

Blumenthal responded by saying he is «very concerned that» Facebook «seems to have a record of making accommodations and caving to conservative pressure.»

Dianne Feinstein mente Twitter burde sensurere Trump hardere:

Feinstein brought up Trump’s tweets suggesting voter fraud took place during the 2020 election and asked Dorsey if Twitter’s label that reads, «This claim is disputed,» goes «far enough to prevent the tweet’s harms when the tweet is still visible and not accurate.» Dorsey said the label is linked to more information.

Demokratene mener Facebook er blitt et konservativt ekkokammer. Mike Lee (R-Utah) svarte at donasjonene til valgkampen. sier  hvilken slagside selskapene har:

Republican Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, noted during Tuesday’s hearing that nearly 92% of political donations from Facebook employees and nearly 99% of political donations from Twitter employees went to Democratic candidates.


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