En hemmelig gruppe som får millioner av dollar fra George Soros arbeider i skjul med å utforme de radikale forslagene som Biden-regimet har vedtatt, innen ulovlig migrasjon, energi og trykking av penger.

A secretive group backed by millions of dollars from liberal billionaire George Soros is working behind the scenes with President Biden’s administration to shape policy, documents reviewed by Fox News show.

Tucker Carlson og Laura Ingraham har ved flere anledninger lurt på hvem som står bak Bidens radikale agenda. Nå har de noe svaret. Gruppen heter Governing for Impact.

Governing for Impact (GFI), the veiled group, boasts in internal memos of implementing more than 20 of its regulatory agenda items as it works to reverse Trump-era deregulations by zeroing in on education, environmental, health care, housing and labor issues.

Leder av Soros Open Society Foundation sier de finansierer Governing for Impact, men det finnes ikke spor av dem på siden deres.

GFI, however, works to remain secretive. It is invisible to internet search engines like Google (an unrelated «Govern for Impact» is the only group that appears in a search). No news reports or press releases appear on its existence outside of a mention of its related action fund in a previous Fox News article on the $1.6 billion Arabella Advisors-managed dark money network, to which it is attached.

Gruppen forsøkte å rekruttere fra jus ved Harvard og her skrøt man av at man drev «transformative» arbeid for Biden-regimet.

The Harvard advert said the group was established to prepare the Biden administration for a «transformative governance» and that it had produced «more than 60 in-depth, shovel-ready regulatory recommendations» for dozens of federal agencies.

Venstresiden later som om de er mot at penger influerer politikken, men ingen er knyttet til «dark money», penger hvis kilde er ukjent, som venstresiden.

«Governing for Impact is the perfect example of the Left’s fake outrage over ‘dark money’ in politics,» said the Capital Research Center’s Parker Thayer, who discovered the group and alerted Fox News.

«As a ‘fiscally sponsored’ dark money project that writes and pushes regulations from the shadows, hidden from the public and funded by one billionaire foundation, GFI embodies everything the Left pretends to abhor.»

Governing for Impact har en speisll tilknytning til Harvard.

According to its website, Rachael Klarman, a Harvard Law School grad, steers the group. Her father, Michael Klarman, is a professor at Harvard Law and also has ties to progressive advocacy groups. He is an advisory board member of the left-wing dark money judicial group Take Back the Court. Last year, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-RI, invited him to testify before Congress on dark money’s «assault» on the judiciary system.


Det er en skog av grupper som er knyttet sammen og betales med såkalt «dark money». De har obskure navn og det slår en ikke umiddelbart at det er disse som er arkitektene bak omformingen av USA til et woke-sosialistisk samfunn.

Disse gruppene mangler ikke penger.

GFI has prepared legal policy memos for at least ten federal departments and agencies, the slide shows. They also produced ten administrative law primers as of 2021.

GFI, meanwhile, is not a stand-alone nonprofit. Instead, the New Venture Fund, a nonprofit incubator managed by the D.C.-based consulting firm Arabella Advisors, fiscally sponsors it. This setup allows GFI to avoid filing tax forms with the IRS.

The group’s attachment to the Arabella-Advisors dark money network, which raised $1.6 billion in anonymous donations in 2020, is not discoverable from public records. The New Venture Fund does not report GFI as a trade name in its D.C. business filings.

However, GFI’s links to the New Venture Fund are discoverable in George Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) grant database. A search of the database shows that Soros nonprofits sent $12.98 million to GFI and its related action fund in 2019 and 2020.


Secretive Soros-funded group works behind the scenes with Biden admin on policy, documents show

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