Joe Biden har ikke levert og levd opp til forventningene mediene hadde til ham. Og de ville vite hvorfor ikke Biden fikk avkrevd Putin noen løfter. I praksis kom Biden tomhendt fra møtet. Det ville journalistene gjerne ha svar på. Da røk det en sikring hos Biden.

Av alle var det en reporter fra CNN, Caitlin Collins, Biden glefset etter. Det var da hun spurte hvordan Biden kunne stole på at Putin kom til å forbedre seg.

“I’m not confident that he will change his behavior. What the hell? What do you do all the time?” Biden snapped. “When did I say I was confident?”

Collins replied that Biden had said he would know in three to six months whether the meeting was a success.

“What I said was, what will change their behavior is if the rest of the world reacts to them and it diminishes their standing in the world,” Biden said. “I’m not confident of anything; I’m just stating the facts.”

Collins noted Putin’s behavior did not change after meeting with Biden, saying, “How does that account to a constructive meeting as President Putin framed it?”

“If you don’t understand that, you’re in the wrong business,” Biden replied before walking away from the press conference.

Da han kom på flyplassen, beklaget han utbruddet. Men måtte likevel komme med nok et utfall mot mediene. Hvorfor måtte de alltid være så negative?

“I owe my last questioner an apology. I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy with the last answer I gave,” he said.

But Biden indicated he was still frustrated when asked to clarify his answer.

“To be a good reporter you have to be negative,” he says. “You never ask a positive question.”

Mediene har hittil strøket Biden og hans folk med hårene. Det kan være at de blir mer skeptiske.



Joe Biden Snaps at CNN and American Press: ‘You Never Ask a Positive Question’

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