Joe Biden sier han vil overholde tidsfristen for evakuering fra Kabul som utløper 31. august, selv om både allierte og opinionen er uenig. Biden risikerer å fremstå som en som tok mer hensyn til Taliban enn amerikanske borgere og afghanere, skriver AP.

U.S. President Joe Biden is sticking to his Aug. 31 deadline for completing a frantic airlift of Americans, at-risk Afghans and others seeking to escape Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. The decision defies allied leaders who want to give the evacuation more time, and opens Biden to criticism that he caved to Taliban deadline demands.

Det er en stor risiko Biden tar i en situasjon hvor han allerede har mistet mye støtte.

Hvis amerikanske borgere blir stående igjen bokstavelig talt, kan det bli uutholdelig byrde for administrasjonen. Amerikanerne vil ikke finne seg i at amerikanere etterlates bak fiendens linjer.

Biden-administrasjonen er ved å komme på kant med journalistene som opp til nå har spilt en lojal rolle.

Even left-leaning media have hit the White House for oftentimes «bizarre» messaging that seemed out of touch with reality.

«There’s a serious disconnect between the messaging from the Biden administration, which is essentially, ‘We’ve got this, we have a plan, we’re getting this under control. If you want to get out of Afghanistan, you can,'» the Associated Press’ Julie Pace said on Sunday’s «Inside Politics.» «And then what we’re seeing on the ground from really brave reporters who are there, from a lot of Afghan civilians who are sharing pictures of images of the scene outside the airport where, no, you cannot get out if you want to get out.»

Biden sier ting som beviselig er feil om at allierte ikke hadde klaget på at han holder fast på tidsfristen.

Last week, President Joe Biden falsely said international allies had not cast doubt on America’s leadership during the crisis, after several world leaders openly questioned the U.S.’s actions. He also claimed his senior advisers had not told him to delay the withdrawal of U.S. troops, despite reports stating the opposite.

Pressetalsmann for Pentagon John Kirby innrømte nylig at de ikke visste hvor mange amerikanere som befinner seg i Afghanistan.

The Pentagon press briefings of the past two weeks have also appeared to leave Americans with more questions than answers, with press secretary John Kirby repeatedly saying they do not know how many Americans are still in Afghanistan. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki raised eyebrows Monday when she said it was unfair to say those Americans were «stranded.»


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