Bidens nominerte til ny leder for Department of Homeland Security, cubaneren Alejandro Majorkas. Majorkas har en del historier på rullebladet som gjør at hans utnevnelse lugger. Han går inn for åpne grenser. Foto: Caroly Kaster/AP/Scanpix

Department of Homeland Security har offentliggjort en trusselvurdering som går langt i å sette likhetstegn mellom politiske divergenser og faren for terror. Det er særlig tvil om valget var «rigget» som regnes som suspekt. Når målinger viser at rundt 39 prosent av velgerne mener det, er den potensielle skadevirkningen stor.

It is not uncommon for the federal government to warn local law enforcement through bulletins about the prospect for violence tied to a particular date or event, such as July 4.

But this particular bulletin, issued through the the department’s National Terrorism Advisory System, is notable because it effectively places the Biden administration into the politically charged debate over how to describe or characterize acts motivated by political ideology and suggests that it sees violence aimed at overturning the election as akin to terrorism.

Analysen går langt i å nevne protester mot valget.og koblet det til terror. Men også de siste dagers voldelige angrep av Antifa i Seattle og Portland, blir nevnt. Språket er vanskelig å få tak på. Hva betyr falske narrativer?

“Information suggests that some ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives, could continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence,” the bulletin said.

It did not mention any ideological or political affiliation. A DHS statement noted the potential for violence from “a broad range of ideologically-motivated actors.”

The alert comes at a tense time after the riot at the Capitol by supporters of then-President Donald Trump who were seeking to overturn the presidential election. DHS also noted violent riots in “recent days,” an apparent reference to events in Portland, Oregon, linked to anarchist groups.

Republikanske tjenestemenn og Demokratiske går sammen om å stemple den innenlandske terrortrusselen som større enn den fra jihadister. En av dem som gjør det er den første lederen av Departement of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff.

The alert was issued by acting Homeland Security Secretary David Pekoske. Biden’s nominee for the Cabinet post, Alejandro Mayorkas, has not been confirmed by the Senate.

Two former homeland security secretaries, Michael Chertoff and Janet Napolitano, called on the Senate to confirm Mayorkas so he can start working with the FBI and other agencies and deal with the threat posed by domestic extremists, among other issues.

Chertoff, who served under President George W. Bush, said in a conference call with reporters that attacks by far-right, domestic extremists are not new but that deaths attributed to them in recent years in the U.S. have exceeded those linked to jihadists such as al-Qaida. “We have to be candid and face what the real risk is,” he said.

Embetsmenn slutter seg sammen i ønsket om en krig mot halvparten av befolkningen.Befolkningen skal filtreres. Hva som skal skje med de som har feil holdninger, er ikke spesifisert. Omprogrammering er et ord som blir brukt.

Det som er egnet til å forbause er den lettvinte omgangen med et ladet ord som terror i forbindelse med egen befolkning.

Det kommer merkelig meldinger om hvem som blir arrestert for 6. januar. Noen beskrivelser passer ikke og man lurer på om det kan være et setup. Folk stoler ikke lenger på føderalt politi.

The Justice Department announced charges Wednesday against 43-year Ian Rogers, a California man found with five pipe bombs during a search of his business this month who had a sticker associated with the Three Percenters on his vehicle. His lawyer told his hometown newspaper, The Napa Valley Register, that he is a “very well-respected small business owner, father, and family man” who does not belong to any violent organizations.


US terrorism alert warns of politically motivated violence

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