41 år gamle Shannon Brandt kjørte med vilje ned 18 år gamle Caylor Ellingson i Nord-Dakota søndag. Brandt oppga selv at det var fordi Ellingson hadde meninger som han fant ekstreme på Republikansk side. Brandt ble sluppet rett ut etter å ha betalt 50.000 dollar i kausjon.

«Brandt admitted to striking the pedestrian with his car because he had a political argument with the pedestrian and believed the pedestrian was calling people to come get him,» court documents state. «Brandt admitted to State Radio that he hit the pedestrian and that the pedestrian was part of a Republican extremist group.»

Nå spør kritikere hvor det blir av Biden-regimets og liberale mediers fordømmelse. Hvis rollene hadde vært byttet om ville skylden bli lagt foran Trumps dør.

Biden holdt nylig en tale der han brukte sterke ord om Maga-velgere. Men har han selv noe av skylden for at Demokrater går løs på motstandere og faktisk dreper dem?

Project Veritas released a leaked DHS bulletin on ‘domestic violent extremists’ in wake of the FBI’s raid of Trump’s Florida residence. The DHS told its agents that Americans who discuss topics such as “government overreach” and “election fraud” are a threat.

Prosecutors allege moments before he was killed, 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson called his mom to come rescue him because 41-year-old Shannon Brandt was chasing him in the city of McHenry, where the street dance had just wrapped up.

Crazed North Dakota Man Runs Over and Kills Teen For “Extremist” Republican Views

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