Politiet utenfor kjøpesenteret der to kvinner ble stukket ned tirsag. Den ene skal være alvorlig skadet, men ikke livstruende. Foto. Ti-Press/Keystone via AP/NTB

To kvinner ble stukket ned av en kvinne inne på et kjøpesenter i den sveitsiskebyen Lugano og politiet mistenker terrormotiv.

Kvinnen angrep de to inne på kjøpesenteret tirsdag.

Cantonal police in Ticino said the women’s injuries were not life-threatening and the suspect, a 28-year-old woman who lives in the area, was in custody.

«A department store in Lugano was the scene of a suspected terrorist-motivated attack on several people,» the federal Office of the Attorney General said in a statement.

Police said the suspected attacker had stabbed two women, wounding one in the neck with a sharp weapon.

Sveits har ikke opplevd dramatiske terrorangrep. Men to menn ble arrestert i Winterthur denne måneden, i forbindelse med terrorangrepet i Wien.

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz condemned Tuesday’s attack in Lugano, and vowed to work with Switzerland in a «joint response to Islamist terrorism in Europe.»

Swiss authorities suspect terrorism in Lugano stabbings

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