En valgobservatør står og ser på opptellingen i Luzerne county i Pennsylvania 3. november. Observatører fra begge partier har rett til å stå slik at de kan se stemmesedlene. Det er ikke mulig her. Foto: Mary Altaffer/AP/Scanpix

En professor i matematikk, Steven Miller, har etter analyser av stemmeresultatet i Pennsylvania kommet til at minst 100.000 stemmer er tvilsomme. Biden vant med 82.000. De tvilsomme tilhører folk som stemte i andres navn eller stemmer som ikke ble talt med.

Williams College Professor Steven Miller, a Yale and Princeton trained math expert, said he analyzed Pennsylvania ballot data collected by former Trump campaign data chief Matt Braynard as well as 2,684 voter interviews conducted by a phone bank and found two concerning patterns. One involved possible votes that were not counted, the other ballots that appeared to be requested by someone other than a registered voter.

«I estimate that the number of ballots that were either requested by someone other than the registered Republican or requested and returned but not counted range from 89,397 to 98,801,» Miller said in the sworn statement provided to Just the News.

Republikanere har innlevert 165.000 poststemmer som ikke er blitt talt med.

According to Pennsylvania state data for early and absentee ballot requests, there are roughly 165,000 ballots requested in the names of registered GOP voters that had not been counted as of Nov. 16.

Det får lederen i den føderale valgkommisjonen til å si at det har foregått ting ved valget som gjør at resultatet ikke er til å stole på.

Federal Election Commission Chairman Trey Trainor told Just the News that Miller’s analysis provides fresh evidence of potential voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

«This data, which is provided by an expert witness, who would be qualified in almost any court in the country, adds to the conclusions that some level of voter fraud took place in this year’s election,» Trainor said.

Det er en merkelig inkongruens mellom Demokratiske poststemmer som ble talt med og Republikanske som ikke ble talt med.

In addition to his two base estimates, Miller also offered two estimates with broader ranges and higher confidence intervals. «Almost surely, the number of ballots requested by someone other than the registered Republican is between 37,001 and 58,914,» Miller writes. «Almost surely the number of ballots requested by registered Republicans and returned but not counted is in the range from 38,910 to 56,483.»

Velgere justthenews.com har snakket med forteller om omstendigheter som ikke er tillitvekkende:

Voters in that state described to Just the News receiving absentee ballots in spite of having not requested them; when they showed up at their polling place, they were required to vote with provisional ballots.



In sworn statement, prominent mathematician flags up to 100,000 Pennsylvania ballots
Federal Elections Commission Chairman Trey Trainor says new analysis by professor Steven Miller «adds to the conclusions that some level of voter fraud took place in this year’s election.»

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