Ikke en dag passerer uten at det skjer en horribel voldshendelse i Bidens USA. Det er god grunn til å tilskrive utviklingen Demokratene. De eier den med sin anti-politi-politikk. Christopher Wright (43) ble drept av en mobb utenfor sitt hjem i Maryland fredag. Grunnen var en strid om 30 dollar og et ønske om å ta sønnen hans.

Sønnen Trenton hadde havnet i slåsskamp på skolen med en gutt som sa han tok 30 dollar fra kjæresten hans. Det hadde vært såkalt haling på toalettet, der et tyvetalls gutter ventet, klar til å filme at han ble jult opp.

Det samme skjedde etter skoletid.

Derfor var ikke Trenton villig til å gå ut og møte gjengen da den troppet opp utenfor familiens hjem. Han hadde fått nok bank, og dette var en brutal gjeng. De hadde med seg to voksne.

Det ble faren Christopher som gikk ut og sa «sorry, Trenton kommer ikke ut». «Da går vi inn og henter ham», sa de. «Nei, dere slipper ikke inn», sa Christopher.

– Vel, da må du slåss, sa de og gjøv løs på ham.

After escaping Trenton walked home. Then around 4:45pm, three of the boys Trenton had fought that day showed up with two adults.

“Their dad came in the house and said ‘your friends are outside’ not knowing what happened at school. My oldest son came downstairs and said ‘they’re not his friends’ and explained what was going on.”

“So their dad [Wright] came outside to tell them ‘Trenton’s not coming out, my son’s not going to fight,’” and the group threatened to break into the house and fight there, Karopchinsky said.

“One of the adults then said ‘if your son’s not going to fight, you’re going to fight.’”

The group proceeded to attack Wright. Karopchinsky said it was “a brutal thing. It wasn’t two people fighting.”

“My son said his dad was thrown to the ground at one point. I know there was punching. My son said he was being slammed against the ground.”

Karopchinsky’s eldest son, Tryston, 16, ran out to help his father and said he saw one of the boys pull something out of the trunk of their car.

“My son has no idea what he got out of the trunk. We don’t know if [Wright] was hit with something,” Karopchinsky said. She has previously said the extent Wright’s injuries suggested he may have been beaten by more than just fists.

“At one point my son was on the ground and he could see his father was on the ground as well. His dad had stopped moving and the adult was still hitting him,” Karopchinsky told The Post.

Vi ser samme tendens i Norge: Angriperne slutter ikke å slå eller sparke selv når offeret ligger nede. Da økes heller aggresjonen.

Denne gang ble det fatalt.

Typisk nok: Politiet vet hvem angriperne er, men har ennå ikke foretatt arrestasjoner.

Samfunnsvevet i USA rives i stykker.

New York Post sier ikke noe om hva slags folk som drepte Christopher Wright.




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