Dette bildet av Bill Clinton malt av Petrina Ryan Kleid hang hjemme hos Epstein i New York.

Doug Band var Bill Clintons høyre hånd etter at han gikk av. Han visste alt som var å vite, f.eks. om Clinton-stiftelsen. Men han kjente også til mer pikante hemmeligheter som Bill Clintons forhold til Jeffrey Epstein. Nå sier ryktene at Doug. Band har skiftet side og fortalt om Bills besøk på Love Island i 2003.

Det er etterforskerne i Southern District of New York som har saken og de er interessert i Bill fordi de etterforsker Epstein og sex-trafficking. Ryktene har hele tiden hardnakket ville ha det til at Bill var på Love Island, noe han har benektet. Men opprinnelig sa han også at han ikke hadde fløyet med Lolita Express mer enn et par ganger. Det viste seg å være 26.

Troverdigheten er derfor frynsete.

Nyheten om besøket til Love Island kom først frem i en artikkel i Vanity Fair 2. desember.

A new story is detailing explosive confrontations and shady activities that allegedly took place with former President Bill Clinton and his family, including that he took a 2003 trip to the «pedophile» island of disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein.

Doug Band, who served as Clinton’s right-hand man for years after he left the White House, told Vanity Fair the 42nd president visited Little St. James, the Carribbean island where Epstein allegedly trafficked underage victims.

Longtime confidante says Bill Clinton visited Epstein’s island, likens family’s world to a ‘cult’

Band sier i intervjuet at det å tilhøre Clintons indre sirkel var som å være medlem av en kult. Det var umulig å bryte ut.

Det er som opprinnelig hadde storyen, som nå er slettet. Det samme gjelder

Bill Clinton’s aide Doug Band has flipped on his former boss and implicated Clinton in a federal pedophile ring investigation.

Band, 48, provided Justice Department officials with evidence that could land Bill Clinton in trouble amid the ongoing child sex trafficking investigation involving Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein.

(Article by Niamh Harrisc republished from

Band was recently interviewed by Gabriel Sherman for Vanity Fair‘s December issue. In addition to detailing his ties to the pedophile billionaire and Epstein’s child fixer Ghislaine Maxwell, he also confirmed that the 42nd president of the United States visited Epstein on “Pedophile Island.”

Clintons har fortsatt makt, og kanskje venner i justisdepartementet som kan øve innflytelse. Men connection til Epstein kan ha vært den forbindelsen som feller dem til sist.

Folk flest har ikke særlig store forestillinger om Clintons. De er gjennomskuet for lenge siden.

Det var bla. derfor Hillary tapte i 2016.

Naomi Campbell

Doug Band var blant «gutta på tur» som fløy verden rundt hvor de ville med en Jumbojet. På et tidspunkt var han kjæreste med supermodellen Naomi Campbell.

Politiet er interessert i alle de unge jentene som var med på turene med de middelaldrende mennene,

Band first showed up on Epstein’s flight manifest in March of that year, when he flew from John F. Kennedy Airport in New York to London with his boss, Epstein, Maxwell, Sarah Kellen, and three secret service agents.

Kellen would later be identified as both a recruiter and a victim of Epstein, but unlike most victims, she was over the age of 18 when she first met the pedophile.

The same group returned to JFK two days later on the private jet, infamously called the “Lolita Express.”

They were joined for that trip by an additional seven secret service agents and Band’s one-time girlfriend, British supermodel Naomi Campbell.

Noen av kvinnene som befant seg i Epsteins nærhet dukket senere opp som medarbeidere i the Clinton foundation. Det kan være politiet er interessert i hva som foregikk i disse miljøene.

Kevin Spacey var et annet navn på Afrika-turen.

The most infamous of these trips however came in September of 2002, when Band joined Epstein and Clinton as they made their way through Africa.

Much has been made of the fact that Hollywood stars Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker were also on that trip, but it is likely the four other guests who were of interest to federal prosecutors: Kellen, Cindy Lopez, Chauntae Davies, and Andrea Mitrovitch.

Davies, though not underage, was another of Epstein’s victims. She would eventually recruit her younger sister for the pedophile and grew close to Clinton on the trip as evidenced by a photo of her provicing the former leader of the free world with a shoulder massage during an airport layover.

Mitrovitch was a ballerina who was in her very early twenties, at the time. She too made a memorable impression on Band and his boss, as just a few years later she went on to work with her new friends at the Clinton Foundation.


Clinton Aide Doug Band Flips, Implicates Boss in Pedophile Ring Probe



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