Valgkollegiets nestleder i Maricopa County, Bill Gates. Foto: Twitter.

Kampen for kontroll av valget 3. november er ikke over. En dommer i Arizona har bestemt at delstatens Senat har full rett til å få utlevert 2.1 million poststemmer og stemmemaskinene som ble brukt til å telle dem.

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Timothy Thomason ruled that subpoenas issued by Arizona’s state Senate are valid and should be enforced, and he disputed arguments from Maricopa County officials saying the subpoenas are unlawful. The county previously stated that multiple audits have been sufficient and said ballots should be sealed.

Som så mange andre steder motsatte lokale politikere seg at stemmene skulle kontrolleres. Domstolene har vanligvis avvist krav om kontroil, men denne gang ble det innvilget.

Maricopa County er et følsomt tema. Det har vært oppe flere ganger som et sted hvor det skjedde tilvsomme ting. Nestleder for valgkollegiet Bill Gates er overbevist om at Senatet ikke finner noenting.

But Bill Gates, the vice-chairman of the Maricopa Board of Supervisors, wrote Friday that the county has “nothing to hide,” adding that officials have “conducted three fully transparent audits, including two forensic audits by independent, qualified and outside Vote System Testing Laboratories.”

“I trust the Senate will be completely transparent with the public as Maricopa County has been,” he added. “From the beginning, the County sought clarification from the court. The court has ruled. I look forward to working with the Senate to provide them the information they are requesting.”

Senatspresident Karen Fann sier kontrollen av stemmesedler ikke handler om å trekke valget i tvil, men å sjekke valgets integritet.

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann, a Republican, told news outlets after the judge’s ruling that their move was “never about overturning the election, it was about the integrity of the Arizona election system.”

“This was always about voter integrity and the integrity of the voting system itself,” Fann added.

Valgkollegiet avslo 18. desember å etterkomme stevningen om å utlevere stemmesedlene og maskinene fra Dominion Voting Systems.

The Board of Supervisors in Arizona’s Maricopa County on Friday voted 4-1to file a complaint in the Arizona Superior Court and won’t comply with state Senate-issued subpoenas to hand over voting machines used in the Nov. 3 election for an audit, as well as an audit of scanned ballots.

A lawsuit will be filed against lawmakers in the Arizona State Legislature to block the enforcement of the subpoenas, county officials said.

The subpoenas were issued earlier this week by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Chairman Eddie Farnsworth, a Republican, had issued the subpoena to audit Dominion Voting Systems machines and ballots in the county, with a deadline for Friday at 5 p.m.

Maricopa County Chairman of the Board Clint Hickman, a Republican, said during Friday’s session the subpoenas were unconstitutional and a “slap in the face.”


Maricopa County Board Votes Against Complying With Subpoenas to Audit Voting Machines

Judge Rules Arizona’s Maricopa County Must Turn Over 2.1 Million November Election Ballots to Senate

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