En feil ved software som brukes ved opptelling av stemmer førte til at 6000 stemmer som skulle gått til Trump, i stedet gikk til Biden. Det skjedde i Antrim fylke i Michigan. Spørsmålet er om det samme har skjedd i de andre fylkene i Michigan. Bidens overvekt er på 146.123 stemmer. Hvis det samme har skjedd i 47 fylker, reiser det tvil om resultatet.

Antrim er et fylke der Republikanerne har oppnådd 70 prosent av stemmene. Republikanerne forsto at noe var fundamentalt galt.

Republicans point out that in northern Antrim County, thousands of votes were counted in error for Biden, and for Democratic Sen. Gary Peters instead of GOP candidate John James.

Michigan GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox said at a Friday press conference that “in Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said, ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the votes.’”

47 fylker har brukt samme software. Hvis det samme har skjedd her, vil det være utslagsgivende for resultatet.

Cox said that “since then, we have now discovered that 47 counties used this same software in the same capacity,” or more than half of Michigan’s 83 counties. She urged those counties to “closely examine their results for similar discrepancies.” Trump’s campaign circulated her remarks on Twitter.

The Detroit Free Press reports that Antrim County uses Dominion Voting Systems equipment. Results are stored on computer cards at precincts, then uploaded to another computer by county election officials.

En professor i datastemmegivning sier det kan ha vært menneskelige feil, men mest sannsynlig en design-feil. Det betyr at den samme feilen kan ha skjedd i de andre fylkene.

Sean Hannity rapporterte i natt at kilder forteller ham at samme programvare er brukt i 30 delstater.

University of Michigan computer science professor J. Alex Halderman, a voting machine expert, told the Free Press that “it’s plausibly human error, but if a simple screw-up could cause these problems, that sounds like a technical design flaw.”

“It’s natural to wonder whether similar problems could have occurred in other jurisdictions that use the same machine. Fortunately, even if the county hadn’t noticed, this would have been caught and corrected during Michigan’s normal canvassing procedures, when they compare the results to the paper tapes from the machines,” he added.

En dommer avviste fredag en anmodning fra Trump-kampanjen om å stanse tellingen.

A Michigan judge on Thursday tossed out a lawsuit from the Trump campaign to halt the counting of ballots in the Wolverine State, ruling that the vote count had already ended — in Biden’s favor.

Trump won Michigan by just 10,704 votes in 2016 against Hillary Clinton, and Biden boasted of his apparently wider lead in Wednesday remarks, when the state’s race was still tighter.

“In Michigan, we lead by over 35,000 votes, and it is growing, a substantially bigger margin that President Trump won Michigan in 2016,” Biden said.

Hvis datafeilen ikke granskes, vil det øke mistanken om at valget ikke har gått riktig for seg.


Michigan GOP chairwoman says software glitch tallied thousands of Republican votes as Democrat

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