Trump holder den daglige corona-briefingen i Det hvite hus fredag 20. ars. Bak til høyre White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Ambassador Debbie Birx. Foto: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters/Scanpix

USA stenger grensene for ikke-vesentlig persontrafikk. Det vil si at illegale migranter ikke slipper inn, men sendes tilbake umiddelbart.

«The United States and Mexico have agreed to restrict non-essential travel across our shared border,» Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said during a White House press briefing with other top officials.

Moments later, acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf announced that the Centers for Disease Control has directed the Department of Homeland Security to «suspend the introduction of all individuals without proper documentation» into the U.S. from both the northern and southern borders.

Those entering the country illegally between the ports of entry are frequently detained for a period of time, particularly if they claim asylum. But under this policy, they will be sent back immediately and not detained in a center where they could possibly spread or catch the highly contagious virus.

Joe Biden har lovet så sent som denne uken at ingen migrant, heller ikke illegal, vil bli sendt tilbake i løpet av hans første 100 dager. Heller ikke de som har et rulleblad.

Corona-krisen gjør at den politiske vinden blåser i restriktiv retning. Demokratene har gått inn for åpne grenser. Trump sier det vil kunne skape sammenbrudd i førstelinjejobber og i helsevesenet. Demokratenes løfte kan bli vanskelig å forsvare i corona-krisen.

Trump said Friday the crisis threatens to “create a perfect storm that would spread infections to our border agents, migrants, and to the public at large. Left unchecked this would cripple our system, overwhelm the health care system and threaten national security.»

A number of states have imposed significant restrictions on daily life. California and New York have issued orders for residents to stay at home, and businesses and schools have closed across the country.

California og New York ventet i det lengste med å innføre portforbud. Men epidemien har eksplodert i New York.



Trump administration announces US, Mexico limiting non-essential travel across border amid coronavirus

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