Ghana fikk torsdag de første to tilfeller av Covid-19, hvorav det ene kom fra en norsk diplomat stasjonert ved ambassaden i Accra. Det andre kom med en ghanesisk borger som hadde vært i Tyrkia.

Begge har vært tilbake i Ghana en ukes tid, skriver Quartz Africa.

On Thursday night Mar. 12, Ghana confirmed its first two cases of Covid-19  who returned to the country from Norway and Turkey. The health minister said both patients are in isolation and the government has initiated processes for contact tracing. (…)

The person who travelled from Turkey is a citizen of Ghana while local media reports that the other person is a diplomat at the Norwegian embassy in Accra. Both have been in the country for a week.

Kenya, Ghana and Ethiopia have confirmed their first coronavirus cases

Afrika har registrert få tilfeller så langt.

Etiopia registrerte sitt første tilfelle fredag, en 48 år gammel japaner som kom fra Burkina Faso.

Smittede i Afrika sør for Sahara har vært under ti i de fleste land. Men det er uro over hva en epidemi i Afrika kan føre til. At smitten kommer via utlendinger blir lagt merke til.

There has long been a concern that Sub-Saharan Africa in particular could be devastated by a severe outbreak of a virus due to what the World Health Organization has described as the sub-region’s “fragile health systems.”  But so far, the spread of virus cases has been relatively slow, mostly in single digits except in South Africa (24) and Senegal (10) so far.


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