I Joe Bidens første State of the Union-tale gikk det skeis da han skulle snakke om Putins invasjon i Ukraina.

‘Putin may circle Kiev with tanks, but he’ll never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people’

«Putin kan omringe Kyiv med tanks, men han vinner aldri det iranske folks hjerte og sjel», sa Biden.

Bak ham til venstre står Kamala Harris og mumler det korrekte ordet: Ukrainian …

«Å, gudskjelov at det er over…». Visepresident Kamala Harris og Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (Saul Loeb/Pool via AP)

Seerne var ikke imponert:

  • This is so embarrassing.
  • Shame on everyone who voted for this man and shame on the evil who installed him.
  • Imagine if President Trump had said this during a SOTU speech? The mainstream media would never let it go….
  • When Kamala is correcting you, you know it’s bad.
  • America is doomed. Why is he still President?
  • ‘He has no idea what’s coming,’ Biden warned. Nobody has any idea what’s coming when Biden opens his mouth.
  • Please put him to bed with a nice cup of cocoa.
  • Should be showing strength and leadership abd we get this embarrassing show
  • All I ever heard on bbc and sky news when Trump was in the White House was constant criticism and ridicule. I’ve not heard one word of criticism about Biden. So much for unbiased reporting.

Daily Mail   Sky News Australia

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