Black Lives Matters’ (BLM) avdeling i Chicago høster storm etter å ha offentlig­gjort en støtte­erklæring til palestinerne på X (Twitter) illustrert med en paraglider utstyrt med palestinsk flagg.

Illustrasjonen tolkes som moralsk støtte til de siste dagenes bestialske angrep i Israel, der Hamas blant annet har benyttet seg av paraglidere.

Posten har utløst sinne i sosiale medier, melder New York Post.

“Unapologetically standing with butcherers and rapists,” author and former speechwriter Aviva Klompas tweeted.

“BLM Chicago, like many leftists, comes out in support of slaughtering innocent people they don’t like,” GOP commentator and former congressional candidate Robby Starbuck tweeted.

Another user tweeted: “This is so disgusting and disgraceful on so many levels.”

BLM er langt fra alene om å ha gitt palestinerne moralsk støtte siden terrorangrepene på israelere begynte lørdag morgen.

Hamas har støtte også blant studenter flere steder i USA, blant annet i California:

The La Fuerza Student Association at California State University in Long Beach circulated a poster advertising a “Day of Resistance” for “students united against apartheid.” (…)

“We will be rallying and marching in support of the Palestinian liberation and against Zionist occupation in Palestine,” the group said.

Og Harvard:

At Harvard University, 31 student groups signed a letter accusing Israel of being “entirely responsible” for the attacks.

“We, the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence,” the letter read.

“The apartheid regime is the only one to blame,” it continued.

En tidligere rektor ved verdens kanskje mest prestisjefylte universitet synes det er en skam:

Former Harvard University president Larry Summers, who served as an adviser to President Barack Obama, spoke out against the letter and the school administration’s continued silence.

“The silence from Harvard’s leadership, so far, coupled with a vocal and widely reported student groups’ statement blaming Israel solely, has allowed Harvard to appear at best neutral towards acts of terror against the Jewish state of Israel,” he wrote in a post on X.

“Instead, Harvard is being defined by the morally unconscionable statement apparently coming from two dozen student groups blaming all the violence on Israel,” he continued.

“I am sickened.”

Nylig ble det også holdt en propalestinsk demonstrasjon på Times Square i New York:


Kjøp Ruud Koopmans’ bok!


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