Alt har en begynnelse: Bari Weiss, som student ved Columbia University i New York, holder en pressekonferanse som svar på ledelsens rapport om at lærere på Midtøsten-seksjonen intimiderer pro-israelske studenter. Ledelsen avviste at så var tilfelle. Datoen er 31. mars 2005. Foto: Tina Fineberg/AP/Scanpix

The New York Times er ikke lenger en liberal avis når man blir sparket for å publisere konservative synspunkt, sier tidligere debattredaktør Bari Weiss i et intervju med Megan Kelly.

The New York Times (NYT) has become “a place where people are fired for running” pieces written by conservatives, the newspaper’s former op-ed writer Bari Weiss told journalist Megyn Kelly on Friday.

Bari Weiss trakk seg i juli 2020 etter et voldsomt rabalder om en artikkel av Arkansas-senatoren Tom Cotton som het: «Send in the Troops». Det var på det tidspunkt hvor BLM/Antifa beleiret Det hvite hus. Cotton ville sende inn nasjonalgarden. I New York Times påsto journalister at svarte kolleger var personlig truet av Cottons synspunkt.

I dag står det nærmere 30.000 soldater i Washington, og Demokrater og anti-Trump-medier har det helt fint med det.

Bari Weiss sier Cottons artikkel var et slags vendepunkt:

Weiss suggested that the newspaper has “changed dramatically” over time and pointed to Cotton’s op-ed as a prime example.

“I think the thing to emphasize for people, what I like to say to people is like, The New York Times is not The New York Times,” Weiss told Kelly. “Harvard is not Harvard. Go down the list. Harvard still has the same slogan and same crest. The New York Times still has the font and the claim to be the paper of record, but what it actually is has changed.”

Folk må forstå at selv om skrifttypen og navnet er det samme, så gjelder ikke dette innholdet. Det samme er tilfellet med prestisjeuniversiteter som Harvard, Princeton og Yale.

“It’s changed dramatically and try and look beyond the font to see that,” she continued. “The New York Times is now a place where people are fired for running an op-ed by a conservative Republican. Yet pieces that are out-and-out propaganda from the Chinese Communist Party are acceptable.”

I en normal verden ville journalister som påsto at en artikkel som gikk inn for lov og orden truet deres personlige sikkerhet, fått beskjed om at journalistikk kanskje ikke var det rette for dem. I stedet ble de strøket med hårene og rost av ledelsen. Det var de liberale som måtte trekke seg ut eller tie, og aktivistene overtok.

“I felt like in a normal non-upside down world, I felt like the response on the part of any publisher, in the case of journalists claiming that an op-ed by a senator put their lives in danger would be, I respect that you have this position, perhaps working in a newspaper is not the right career path for you,” Weiss said. “But instead, what happened in the wake of that was really unbelievable. It was like a struggle session, with people crying, with people being praised by the masthead for their moral clarity and their courage. It was quite a spectacle.”

Kelly’s podcast



Former NYT Writer Blasts Newspaper For Hypocrisy, Tells Megyn Kelly That It’s Become A Place Where You’re ‘Fired For’ Publishing Conservatives


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