Clinton-kampanjens advokater fra 2016 er engasjert i forsvaret av russeren Igor Danchenko som er tiltalt for å ha løyet om Trumps forhold til Russland. Grunnen til at advokatene er engasjert er at de også må forsvare Clintons medarbeidere. Også de er under etterforskning.

The latest filings by Special Counsel John Durham reveal that lawyers for the Hillary Clinton Campaign now represent Christopher Steele primary subsource Igor Danchenko. In doing so, Durham reveals something else: that the Hillary Clinton Campaign and multiple former employees of the Hillary Clinton Campaign are under investigation.

Det kan se ut som om det. brenner et blått lys også for Hillary selv.

Fra tidligere er advokat i firmaet Perkins Coie, Michael Sussmann, tiltalt for å ha løyet for FBI.

Deretter fulgte pågripelsen og tiltalen mot Danchenko.

Danchenko hevder at han hadde kilder i Russland, men det viser seg at han har diktet dette opp. I virkeligheten kom informasjonen fra en av Hillarys nære medarbeidere, Charles Dolan.

Notably, Special Counsel John Durham alleges that one of Danchenko’s real “sources” was Charles Dolan, Jr. (perhaps first identified by Aaron Mate), who served in various leadership positions to elect Bill Clinton in the 1992 and 1996 campaigns and was an advisor to Hillary Clinton in her 2016 campaign for president. With Dolan’s involvement, the obvious question becomes whether he was the intermediary between the Clinton Campaign and Danchenko.

Igor Danchenko har byttet advokat og den som nå repressenterer ham kommer fra samme firma som representerer Clinton Campaign 2016, og i tillegg Clinton-medarbeidere. Dvs at Durham etterforsker Clintons medarbeidere i 2016. Det er en dramatisk utvikling.

According to Durham’s latest filing, Stuart Sears is a partner at the law firm Schertler Onorato Mead & Sears. Notably, the firm is currently representing the 2016 “Hillary for America” presidential campaign (the “Clinton Campaign”), as well as multiple former employees of that campaign, in matters before the Special Counsel.”

Did you catch that? I’ll emphasize:

The Hillary Clinton Campaign and its employees are subject to “matters before the Special Counsel.”

Durham peker på at det kan bli en interessekonflikt hvis samme firma skal forsvare Danchenko som representerer Clinton-medarbeidere. De er jo involvert i samme materie: Steele-rappporten.

Durham even raises the potential that members of the Clinton Campaign may be called to testify at Danchenko’s trial.

To this observer, it seems like the Clinton Campaign’s involvement in the dossier might be deeper than anyone really knows.



It’s official: Durham is investigating the Clinton Campaign.



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