Donald Trump taler ved Trump National Golf Club i Bedminster, New Jersey, den 7. juli 2021. Foto: Seth Wenig / AP / NTB.

USAs forrige president Donald Trump har onsdag kunngjort at han vil lede et gruppesøksmål mot Facebook, Twitter og Google samt deres toppsjefer på vegne av ofrene for cancel-kulturen, melder Daily Mail.

Former President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday he was launching a class action law suit against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Google CEO Sundar Pichai on behalf of victims of ‘cancel culture.’

Trump forlanger en slutt på svartelisting og skjult bannlysning fremfor alt av konservative stemmer, og sa han vil kreve at selskapene betaler saftige erstatninger på mange milliarder dollar.

The legal moves are backed by the America First Policy Institute, a non-profit that includes several former senior administration officials.

Linda McMahon, former Small Business Administrator under Trump and chairwoman of the America First Policy Institute, and Brooke Rollins, former acting director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, and other leading conservatives joined him for the announcement.

Trump anklaget hovedstrømsmedier og politikere for å innynde seg Big Tech.

‘There is no better evidence that big tech is out of control than the fact that they banned the sitting President of the United States earlier this year, a ban that continues to this day,’ he said.

Terrorister får derimot boltre seg på nettet, poengterte Trump.

He contrasted his position with hate speech coming from Iran and Palestinian hardliners.

‘Hamas, as I said, the greatest killers in the world, have a site,’ he said, saying the tweet that got him banned was innocuous.

Makteliten anser USAs første grunnlovstillegg, som garanterer ytringsfriheten, som det største hinderet for sine ambisjoner, sa Brooke Rollins i forbindelse med kunngjøringen av søksmålet.

Hvis USAs president kan bannlyses, kan det skje med alle, sa Trump ifølge BBC, som opplyser at søksmålet er tatt ut ved en føderal domstol i Florida.

Også det republikanske partiet i USA er på krigsstien mot Big Tech:

At the same time on Wednesday, Mr Trump’s Republican allies in Congress released a memo describing their plan «to take on Big Tech».

The agenda calls for antitrust measures to «break up» the companies, and a revamping of a law known as Section 230.

Section 230, which Mr Trump tried to repeal as president, essentially stops companies like Facebook and Twitter from being liable for the things that users post. It gives the companies «platform» rather than «publisher» status.

«It’s a liability protection the likes of which nobody in the history of our country has ever received,» Mr Trump said, criticising the law on Wednesday.

He added that the law invalidates the companies’ statuses as private companies.


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