Litauiske grensevakter patruljerer langs grensen mot Hviterussland den 10. juni 2021. Foto: Mindaugas Kulbis / AP / NTB.

Hviterussland bruker migranter som våpen for å hevne EU-sanksjonene mot landet, og sender syrere og irakere over grensen til Litauen, sier den litauiske utenriksminister Gabrielius Landsbergis til Financial Times.

Migrantstrømmen fra Hviterussland til Litauen har økt kraftig i år, og Landsbergis kaller det et hybrid angrep på Europa. Han anklager også Hviterussland for å importere migranter til formålet:

Gabrielius Landsbergis told the Financial Times that Belarus was engaged in a “hybrid attack against Europe” by enticing the migrants with package deals from a state-owned tourist agency that included flights from Baghdad or Istanbul, as well as travel to the Lithuanian border.

Den litauiske statsråden mener Litauen er utsatt fordi landet huser flere hviterussiske opposisjonspolitikere.

Lithuania has been on high alert since Belarus last month forced the landing of a Ryanair plane from Athens to Vilnius and then seized prominent dissident Roman Protasevich, who had been living in exile in the Baltic country.

Lukasjenko har ikke prøvd å skjule at migranter er et våpen:

Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko threatened last month that his country could relax some controls on its borders, as tensions with the west mounted. “We stopped drugs and migrants — now you will eat and catch them yourselves,” he warned during an address in the Belarusian parliament.


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