Steve Bannon har gått på en smell. Er det hold i tiltalen eller er det et politisk bestilllngsverk? Foto. Alessandro Bianch/Reyters/Scanpix

Steve Bannon ble fremstilt for en forhørsdommer i New York torsdag og erkjente ingen skyld. Han ble løslatt mot en kausjon på hele 5 mill. dollar. Bannon ble arrestert på en 150 fot yacht utenfor kysten av Connecticut.

Tiltalen går ut på at han svindlet donorene til en ideell stiftelse We Build This Wall, for en million dollar.

Bannon pleaded not guilty this afternoon at a brief presentment before U.S. District Judge Analisa Torres in Manhattan, and was freed on $5 million bond which restricts his traveling. Bannon was arrested this morning on a Chinese billionaire’s yacht, and charged with fraud over a $25 million campaign to crowdfund a wall on the US southern border.

Politijurist Audrey Strauss sa stifterne av We Build the Wall førte donorene bak lyset. De sa alle innsamlede midler skulle gå til prosjektet, Virkeligheten var en helt annen.

“While repeatedly assuring donors that Brian Kolfage, the founder and public face of We Build the Wall, would not be paid a cent, the defendants secretly schemed to pass hundreds of thousands of dollars to Kolfage, which he used to fund his lavish lifestyle,” said Strauss, who assumed the position of U.S. attorney earlier this summer after her predecessor Geoffrey Berman’s unexplained and unexpected ouster.

Strauss overtok jobben etter Geoffrey Berman som fikk sparken.


Steve Bannon Pleads Not Guilty To Fraud Charges, Freed On $5 Million Bail

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