Kategori: English

The U.S. Conspiracy to Hide the Origin of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Already by the end of January 2020, elements within the U.S. government and the U.S. scientific establishment were becoming increasingly concerned that the American people might learn the truth about the origin of the COVID-19.

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«Nowhere to Turn for Safety»: The Persecution of Christians, February 2021

While not all, or even most, Muslims are involved, persecution of Christians by extremists is growing. The report posits that such persecution is not random but rather systematic, and takes place irrespective of language, ethnicity, or location. I

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RED ALERT: China Is Winning the Great 21st Century Tech War

At the ongoing «Two Sessions» in Beijing, the Communist Party has publicly told us how it will accomplish its ambitious goal. If the Chinese ruling party succeeds, the rest of the 21st century will be painted only in shades of red.

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A Storm Over the American Republic

Part of America has «declared war» and «is intent on destroying the most tolerant, inclusive, egalitarian society ever created,» wrote the American author David Horowitz recently. «The good news,» he added, «is that a patriotic movement has risen, rededicated to the propositions that all men are created equal and endowed with God-given rights to life and liberty, and is prepared to defend them».

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China Buys Western Academics

Seventeen schools in the UK are already owned by Chinese companies, and that number is destined to rise. In addition, The Times revealed that the University of Cambridge received a «generous gift» from Tencent Holdings, one of the largest technology companies in China involved in state censorship.

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Biden: It’s Okay to Finance China’s Military

Every dollar that goes into a Chinese enterprise, whether state or private, enriches a regime that has declared a «people’s war» on the United States. Therefore, every company should be off-limits to investment from Americans.

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Germany: Covid-19 Triggers New Wave of Anti-Semitism

The number of anti-Semitic hate crimes in Germany surged to a two-decade high in 2020, according to new statistics released by the German government. Anti-Semitism in Germany has been steadily growing in recent years, fueled in part by far-left anti-Israel activists and by mass migration from the Muslim world.

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Iran: The Mullah’s Pursuit of Obtaining Nuclear Weapons

In spite of the Iranian leaders’ claim that their nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, evidence reveals that the Iranian regime has long sought to acquire nuclear weapons. It should also not come as surprise that the ruling mullahs of Iran are declining to answer the IAEA’s questions.

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China Is Creating a New Master Race

Bing Su, a Chinese geneticist at the state-run Kunming Institute of Zoology, recently inserted the human MCPH1 gene, which develops the brain, into a monkey. The insertion could make that animal’s intelligence more human than that of lower primates. Su’s next experiment is inserting into monkeys the SRGAP2C gene, related to human intelligence, and the FOXP2 gene, connected to language skills.

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Chasing the Dragon

On his first full day in office, President Joe Biden signed a massive executive order that, among other things, killed the Keystone XL pipeline project. Buried in that same order were two short sentences that will allow the Chinese government to get into the American electrical grid.

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