Mykola Zlochevsky, Hunter Biden og Joe Biden. Foto: Svetlana Pashko cc by-sa 4.0 / Wikimedia Commons –  Patrick Semansky og Manuel Balce Ceneta / AP / NTB.

Medeier i det ukrainske energiselskapet Burisma, Mykola Zlochevsky, fortalte en FBI-kilde at han betalte Joe og Hunter Biden 5 millioner dollar hver i et forsøk på å unngå en korrupsjonssak, hevder de republikanske kongress­representantene Anna Paulina Luna og Marjorie Taylor Greene etter å ha lest dokumentet som kontroll­komiteen i Representantenes hus nylig fravristet FBI.

Joe Biden selv, som i henhold til anklagene mottok bestikkelsene i sin tid som Obamas vise­president, avviste under en presse­konferanse torsdag anklagene som «sludder» på spørsmål fra New York Post, som i sin tid avslørte innholdet i Hunter Bidens laptop.

Biden tauntingly retorted, “Where’s the money?” “It’s a bunch of malarkey,” Biden told a Post reporter when asked about the bribery claim

De to kongress­kvinnene står imidlertid på sitt. Joe Biden er skyldig i å ha mottatt bestikkelser, sier Luna.

“There [were] two separate transactions, one that went to Joe Biden for $5 million, one that went to Hunter Biden for $5 million,” Luna told Fox News correspondent Chad Pergram. “There’s no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden is guilty of bribery.”

Bestikkelsene ble gitt for å få den ukrainske stats­advokaten Viktor Shokin sparket, hevder Taylor Greene.

“It was all a brib[e] to get [former Ukrainian prosecutor general Viktor] Shokin fired,” Greene said of the allegations against the Bidens. Shokin was fired in March 2016 and Joe Biden has publicly boasted that he leveraged $1 billion in US aid to get him thrown out of office.

En anonym tredje republikaner går mer i detalj om hvordan Hunter Biden ble involvert i Burisma-styret, som betalte ham et honorar på opp mot en million dollar i året:

Greene, whose account was confirmed by a third Republican member of Congress who read the document Thursday, said the file also described how in 2015 and 2016, Burisma “was looking to buy a US-based oil and gas company, and this came from being advised by [first son] Hunter Biden and his partners.”

“Around the time of this meeting was when Joe Biden as vice president had said that the prosecutor Shokin was corrupt. They hired Hunter on the board to make the problems go away,” she said. “Hunter advised that they could raise more money if they bought a US company.”

Joe Biden har hardnakket påstått at han ikke har kjent til sønnen Hunters forretninger, men møtte en Burisma-topp i Washington i 2015:

Then-VP Joe Biden met with a Burisma executive at a DC dinner in April 2015 — with the meal forming the basis of The Post’s explosive first report on Hunter’s abandoned laptop.

Hunter har også skrevet at han delte inntekter med faren:

Hunter wrote in emails retrieved from his former laptop that he had to share up to “half” of his income with his father, though Joe Biden has denied ever discussing business interests with his relatives.

James Comer, som leder kontroll­komiteen i Representantenes hus, sier at det ikke er noen tvil om at Joe Biden har løyet:

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said, “President Biden has lied repeatedly about his family’s business dealings. The allegations contained within the Biden bribery record track closely with [our] investigation into the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes.”

På Bidens spørsmål om hvor pengene han skal ha mottatt, er blitt av, kommer det et kontant svar fra en republikaner fra Florida. Pengene er gjemt i flere titalls selskaps­former, hevder Byron Donalds:

Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.), who also read the document Thursday, tweeted, “Joe, the money is hidden in the DOZENS of LLCs you & your family created to HIDE THE MONEY. You can run, but you can’t hide from House Republicans.”

Kontrollkomiteen har forgjeves etterlyst innsyn i Joe Bidens bankkonto, og opprinnelsen er uklar til inntekter på 13 millioner dollar:

The Oversight Committee has not yet acquired President Biden’s bank records and although Biden often boasts of releasing his personal tax returns, he has not revealed in detail the sources of more than $13 million in income that was routed through an “S corporation” in 2017 and 2018.


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