Tidligere leder av Center for Disease Control, Robert Redfield, sier Anthony Fauci, State Department og USAID finansierte gain-of-function forskningen i Wuhan som ga verden pandemien. Det var et resultat av vitenskapelig overmot, sier Redfield i et intervju med Fox News podcast. Redfield sier Fauci lyver for å unnslippe ansvar.

During an interview with the “Fox News Rundown” podcast released on Friday, former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield said that the U.S. did fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan lab and that former NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci’s denials “are highly misleading and not truthful” word parsing akin to former President Bill Clinton disputing the meaning of the word “is.”

Amerikanerne betalt og kineserne forsket. USA har dermed hatt et direkte ansvar for pandemien som kan forklare hvorfor myndighetene har mørkelagt årsaken. Amerikanske myndigheter har ikke vært interessert i å rulle opp årsaken vil viruset. Kinesiske myndigheter mørkla, men det gjorde amerikanske også: Fauci «overtalte» forskere til å kompromittere sin vitenskapelige integritet og si viruset kom fra et dyremarked.

Redfield stated, [relevant remarks begin around 22:50] “[I]t’s very, very, very, probable that this great pandemic was caused by science and an arrogance of science that they didn’t see the downside of their gain-of-function research. … I wish China had been more transparent post-the pandemic, but it’s not China’s problem. It happened to be done in a Chinese lab, but it was funded by NIH, it was funded by the State Department, it was funded by USAID.”

At amerikanske helsemyndigheter finansierte forskningen i Wuhan har vært kjent lenge. At også amerikansk UD og amerikansk bistand deltok sier noe om hvorfor Biden setter seg på bakbena og ikke vil frigi dokumentasjonen om viruset. Hvis velgerne skulle høre at det var amerikanske myndigheter som finansierte viruset som tok livet av 1 million amerikanere, kan det være velgerne reagerer.

Anthony Fauci har benektet at hans direktorat finansierte gain-of-function. Men dette er hårkløveri. Fauci redefinerer begrepene, men innholdet er det samme, sier Redfield.

Redfield responded, “His comments are highly misleading and not truthful. Now, whether he understands that or not, Tony is playing with words. Because what he’ll tell you is he petitioned — he got a group of independent scientists to come up — in the National Academy and others — and they redefined the gain-of-function research. And they define it in a way that he believes excludes the work that was done in the lab. But this was definitely gain-of-function research. He’s parsing words. It’s come back to the Clinton, well, what’s the meaning of is? This is gain-of-function research, and…most people of goodwill can see that.”

Da Bill Clinton ble spurt av storjuryen om han hadde hatt sex med Monica Lewinsky sa han det avhang hva ordet «er» betyr.

“It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is. If the—if he—if ‘is’ means is and never has been, that is not—that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement. … Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true.” footnote 1,128 in Starr’s report)


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