Israels høyesterett stemte onsdag 10-1 imot at leder av det religiøse Shas-partiet kan være helse- og innenriksminister. Deri er dømt for skatteunndragelse og derfor diskvalifisert. Men for regjeringspartiene var dette et bevis på at reformen av rettsvesenet er på høy tid.

“When they close the door on us, we’ll get in through the window. When they close the window we’ll break through the ceiling, with God’s help,” he said, vowing to “continue the revolution our predecessors began, with even greater devotion and energy.”

Det var snakk om å utnevne Deri til visestatsminister, men da må regjeringen tas i ed på nytt.

Deri sa at folket nå med egne øyne fikk se hvorfor en justisreform er nødvendig.

Deri joined others in pointing to the ruling as injecting new urgency into controversial legislation pursued by the government that would defang the court’s ability to strike down government decisions.

“It’s good that they said their piece and it’s good that it ended as it did, with 10 against one. Let the people see and judge.” he said.

Justisminister Yariv Levin sa også at høyesteretts innblanding viser behovet for reform. Høyesterett kan ikke stå over velgernes dom.

Right-wing lawmakers responded with fury at the High Court ruling. Justice Minister Yariv Levin, a senior Likud member and Netanyahu confidant who is spearheading the coalition’s judicial overhaul — called the court’s decision “absurd,” and said it “tramples” on the votes of Israelis.

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