Opinionsmåleren Rasmussen har noen sjokkerende tall om Bidens katastrofale omdømmetap: Hele 50 prosent vil stille ham for riksrett. Selv 34 prosent fra hans eget parti, Demokratene, vil det, og hele 50 prosent av de svarte. Hvis Republikanerne vinner kongressvalget i november, kan det være game over for Biden.

“Half of voters believe President Joe Biden should be impeached, and nearly as many think Republicans will do it if they win a congressional majority in the midterm elections,” says Rasmussen Reports.

“A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and The National Pulse finds that 50% of Likely U.S. voters support the impeachment of Biden, including 33% who Strongly Support it.”

Men USA er delt og polarisert. På samme måte som 33 prosent er sterke tilhengere av riksrett, er en like stor andel – 33 prosent – sterke motstandere.

Rasmussen adds, “Forty-five percent (45%) are opposed to impeaching Biden, including 33% who Strongly Oppose it.”

Are you ready for this…? Thirty-four (34 percent) of Democrats support impeaching Biden, as do 50 percent (not a typo) of black voters.

Hva vil han eventuelt bli tiltalt for? Først og fremst åpningen av grensen for et par millioner migranter som slippes inn uten å være vaksinert, og uten at man kjenner deres identitet. De flys og busses rundt i USA, ofte midt på natten, for at lokale myndigheter skal bli tatt på sengen.

Let’s face it, Biden has not only openly violated the Constitution, but he is also flagrantly ignoring the laws regarding border security and breaking the law by, among other things, allowing countless thousands of unvaccinated illegals to invade our country.

The people see this, and the corporate media no longer have the power to cover it up or gaslight the public into believing it’s okay.


Nolte: Fifty Per Cent Support Impeaching Joe Biden



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