George Soros fortsetter sin destruktive finansiering av organisasjoner som vil redusere politibudsjettene, til tross for eksploderende kriminalitet. Hvis Soros’ mål er å ødelegge USA er han på god vei til å lykkes.

Liberal mega-donor George Soros has directed $1 million to an activist group attempting to defund the police as violent crime surges in major urban centers across the nation.

Soros sent the million dollars via his Color Of Change PAC on May 14, according to Federal Election Commission files obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The organization describes itself as «the nation’s largest online racial justice organization» and actively engages in efforts to defund police departments such as spreading an online petition calling for «divesting from and dismantling the systems that unjustly harm Black people.»

«Policing is a violent institution that must end,» the group’s president wrote in a statement supporting the move. «We imagine a country where there is enough money to educate our children, care for our sick and feed those who are financially unstable. Defunding the police allows for this vision.»

Soros har lenge fulgt et program som går inn for avkriminalisering. Han sørger for å få valgt statsadvokater som saboterer rettsvesenet.

In 2018, Soros spent millions of dollars to help elect current Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon who promised to implement sentencing reforms and decriminalize certain illegal activities. In 2021, the Los Angeles City Council redirectedfunds from the LAPD to social outreach organizations.

This year in Los Angeles, murders are up 20% and violent crime has spiked which has contributed to a rampant homeless crisis that many argue Gascon’s policies have made worse.

Den mørke sannheten er at kriminaliteten i USA ikke er et biprodukt. Den er villet.

Philadelphia, where Soros spent almost $2 million electing District Attorney Larry Krasner, currently has the highest murder rate per capita among the 10 largest cities in the countryand homicides have risen 35% this year.

«When George Soros funded scores of elections for prosecutors who have no intention of prosecuting criminals and every intention of prosecuting police officers, he knew exactly what he was doing,» host of Fox News’ Life, Liberty and Levin Mark Levin said about Soros last year. «He was funding a counter-revolution in the U.S.»




Soros hands $1 million to group attempting to defund police as violent crime skyrockets nationwide

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