Leder av etterretningskomiteen i Representantenes hus er blant dem som har latt som om Trump var i lomma på Putin. Nå kan det se ut som utenlandske penger fosser inn i Demokratenes kasse. Foto: skjermdump

Demokratene har et fond som samler inn penger til deres kandidater, kalt ActBlue. Reglene sier at en donor skal oppgi arbeidsgiver. Men hvis man er arbeidsledig, faller det bort. Det vil normalt være et visst forhold mellom arbeidsledigheten og andelen donorer som oppgir at de er arbeidsledige. Men det er det ikke.

I 2019 lå ledigheten på 4 prosent, men hele 49 prosent ga penger til ActBlue, flere millioner transaksjoner på tilsammen 346 millioner dollar, et enormt beløp.

Et initiativ som arbeider for transparens i den politiske prosessen kalt Take Back Action Fund har undersøkt ActBlue.

After downloading hundreds of millions of [dollars in] donations to the Take Back Action Fund servers, we were shocked to see that almost half of the donations to ActBlue in 2019 claimed to be unemployed individuals,» he said. «The name of employers must be disclosed when making political donations, but more than 4.7 million donations came from people who claimed they did not have an employer. Those 4.7 million donations totaled $346 million ActBlue raised and sent to liberal causes.»

The trend is continuing this year: An Action Fund examination of 2020 data from January through August showed an uptick in «unemployed» donations through ActBlue, to 50.1% this year.

President for Action Fund, John Pudner, tror utenlandske krefter forsøker å påvirke valget.

Pudner said the large number is a red flag that some donations may be illicit contributions from foreign interests attempting to impact U.S. elections.

«It is hard to believe that at a time when the U.S. unemployment rate was less than 4 percent, that unemployed people had $346 million dollars to send to ActBlue for liberal causes,» Pudner said, adding that «4.7 million donations from people without a job … raised serious concerns.»

Demokratene snakker høyest om utenlandsk innflytelse på valget, men det ser ut til at det skjer gjennom deres egne kanaler. Ikke Republikanerne.

According to the Action Fund, an analysis of WinRed’s 4.9 million donations totalling $302 million found that only 4% came from people who did not list an employer or were unemployed. This year, the rate is 5.6%, according to the data.


Exclusive: Data shows that half of 2019 donations to ActBlue came from untraceable ‘unemployed’ donors

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