Bill Gates forsvarer Kinas respons på corona-pandemien i et intervju med CNN søndag, og sier at Kina i likhet med andre kunne gjort ting annerledes. Han er mindre forståelsesfull overfor USA.

It’s too soon to be talking about whether China deserves blame for the coronavirus outbreak and efforts to shift the focus onto Beijing are a ‘distraction,’ according to Bill Gates, who criticized ‘incorrect and unfair things’ said about the Communist-run country.

‘China did a lot of things right at the beginning, like any country where a virus first shows up,’ the Microsoft co-founder told CNN on Sunday.

‘They can look back and say where they missed some things.’

Gates sa USA håndterte viruset «spesielt dårlig» sammenlignet med andre land som har klart å redusere de økonomiske skadevirkningene.

Gates, one of the world’s richest men, said that the US handled its COVID-19 response ‘particularly poorly’ compared to other countries that have minimized the economic damage.

Gates er full av ros for WHO og kaller organisasjonen «fenomenal».

‘In the retrospective, we’ll see things that WHO could have done better, just like every actor in this whole picture,’ he said.

‘But the WHO has a strong connection with one country. That country is the United States.

Melinda Gates ga Trump det glatte lag fordi han innstiller støtten til WHO. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation går inn med friske 150 millioner dollar.


Bill Gates defends China’s coronavirus response: Billionaire says Beijing ‘did a lot of things right’ at the start of the pandemic and claims criticism of the Communist Party is a ‘distraction’

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