Kineserne gjør et stort nummer av at de kan hjelpe Europa med smittevernutstyr. Men bak fasaden skjuler det seg en mindre pen virkelighet: Italia måtte kjøpe tilbake utstyr landet selv hadde donert til Kina i starten av epidemien.

After telling the world that it would donate masks, face guards and testing equipment to Italy, China quietly backtracked and sold the Mediterranean country desperately-needed medical equipment, according to a report.

What’s worse is that the personal protective equipment (PPE) China forced Italy to buy was actually the same PPE Italy donated to China before coronavirus rushed its own shores and killed nearly 16,000 people.

China forces Italy to buy same coronavirus supplies it had donated to Beijing a few weeks ago 

Dét er en meget drøy historie. Det er en tjenestemann på høyt nivå i Trump-administrasjonen som forteller dette til den amerikanske utgaven av Spectator. Trump-administrasjonen synes nok ikke Kina fortjener PR på falske premisser.

Kina tilbyr utstyr til andre land, men flere har klaget over at det er defekt. Kina tar seg dessuten godt betalt, viser det seg.

Thousands of other supplies and testing kits China has sold to other countries at marked-up prices have turned out to be defective.

Spain had to return 50,000 quick-testing kits to China after discovering they weren’t working properly. Last week, the Netherlands also rejected China-made coronavirus testing kits and protective gear, calling them substandard and questioning the quality of supplies Beijing is selling to the world.

Tsjekkia, Georgia og Tyrkia har også klaget over utstyr som ikke holdt standardkravene, en kritikk Beijing bryskt har avvist.

Når Trump-administrasjonen lekker informasjon om Kina, har det å gjøre med at Kina valgte ikke å informere verden om det farlige viruset.

«It’s so disingenuous for Chinese officials now to say we are the ones who are helping the Italians or we are the ones who are helping the developing world when, in fact, they are the ones who infected all of us,» the senior administration official said. «Of course they should be helping. They have a special responsibility to help because they are the ones who began the spread of the coronavirus and did not give the information required to the rest of the world to plan accordingly.»

Dette agget mot Kina kommer ikke til å forsvinne med det første. Så langt er det ikke noe tegn til at Kina påtar seg ansvaret.



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