Kategori: English

Russland og Kina: Det verste øyeblikket i historien kommer snart

Det kan ikke være noe godt tegn at Russland, Kina og Nord-Korea på samme tid truer med å bruke verdens mest ødeleggende våpen. Hvorfor kommer planetens farligste regimer med slike trusler? (Artikkel på engelsk).

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EU-China Relations: «Downward Spiral»

At the European Union-China Summit this month, European officials, after years of kowtowing to China, finally stood their ground. EU-China relations are now on a new footing: Beijing no longer calls the shots.

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China or the USA?

At a recent meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s Council of Foreign Ministers, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi was a special invitee. It was the first time that a Chinese government official had ever been invited to be present at an OIC meeting.

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The Cost of New Energy in Europe, but Not in Money

Russian gas is not free; neither is Qatari gas. The German website Tichys Einblick comments that «instead of Putin’s war, we will finance Islamic terrorism». The unconditional will to shine morally has harmful consequences.

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Doc-TV International: For Whom do the Bells toll?

Everything is in flux and the right hand doesn’t seem to know what the left is doing. European media does not report on the war party in Washington or the fact that it even is such party.

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Biden’s Middle East: Saudi Arabia Embraces China; Will They Topple the Dollar?

Shortly after the news broke about the Chinese-Saudi talks on selling oil in yuan, according to Bloomberg, China’s currency «surged». If Saudi Arabia were to sell its oil to China in yuan, it would be a victory for China.

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Ukraine War: The Moral Corruption of Germany’s Political Elite

Questions are being belatedly asked — and grudgingly answered — about many aspects of Merkel’s failed Russia policy, including her decisions to block Ukraine’s prospective membership of NATO, gut the German military, undermine the transatlantic alliance, and institutionalize Germany’s overdependence on Russian energy supplies.

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Doc-TV LIVE: Kjønn, klima og kriser

I dag markerer vi en festdag. Det er nemlig «International Transgender Day of Visibility». Og vår utenriksminister Anniken Huitfeldt skal forsøke å få Egypt med på å redde verden gjennom det grønne skiftet.

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Arabs: Biden Administration Harming US interests

The crisis between the Biden administration and the Arab countries, especially the Gulf states, is so deep that it could take years, if not decades, to repair the damage caused to America’s interests in the Middle East

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Is the US Pretending That Iran’s IRGC, «Mother of All Terrorist Groups», Is Not a Terrorist Group?

To appease the ruling mullahs of Iran, the Biden administration in January 2021 first suspended some of the anti-terrorism sanctions on Yemen’s Iranian-backed Houthis that the Trump administration had imposed. The Biden Administration’s Never-ending Appeasement of the Mullahs is continuing.

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