Den israelske hæren gjennomførte et raid i Nablus onsdag som resulterte i 10 drepte og 100 sårede, hvorav syv alvorlig. Ingen israelske soldater kom til skade. Hæren trapper nå opp beredskapen i påvente av palestinsk gjengjeldelse. Påfallende nok bekrefter Islamsk hellig krig at seks av de ti drepte tilhørte dem.

After the deadly raid that saw 10 Palestinians killed and more than 100 wounded, Abu Obeida, spokesman of the Gaza Strip-ruling Hamas’s military wing issued a veiled threat, saying the terror group was “observing the enemy’s escalating crimes against our people in the occupied West Bank, and its patience is running out.”

Palestinian Liberation Organization Secretary-General Hussein al-Sheikh said the Palestinian Authority leadership had decided to again turn to the United Nations Security Council to intervene after the raid.

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