To israelere er skutt og drept i det israelsk politi omtaler som et terrorangrep i Hadera. Seks er såret, to av dem politifolk.

De to angriperne er israelere med arabisk bakgrunn, ifølge Jerusalem Post.

Two Israelis, a man and a woman, were killed and six, including two Israel Police officers, were injured in a shooting attack in Hadera on Sunday evening.

The shooters, two Arab-Israeli men from Umm el-Fahm, were shot dead by undercover Border Police officers who were near the scene of the attack.

Angriperne ble «nøytralisert» av politiet, heter det i meldinger fra politi og helsevesen i Israel. Ifølge JP ble de skutt av undercoveragenter fra sikkerhetsstyrkene.

The attackers reportedly waited for a bus to drive by before shooting towards civilians.

Two Israeli men in their 20s were seriously injured in the attack, while a 45-year-old man and an Israeli woman in her 20s were lightly injured. They were rushed to Hillel Yafe Medical Center in the city for further treatment.

At the scene of the shooting, two additional civilians are being treated by paramedics.



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