Flere provinsstatsministre er uenig i Justin Trudeaus beslutning om å innføre unntakstilstand som i praksis gjør sivil ulydighet ulovlig. Unntaksloven har aldri tidligere vært i bruk. Innføringen av unntaksloven er en kraftig eskalering. Trudeau har ikke vært villig til å snakke med trailersjåførene.

Den konservative statsministeren i Saskatchewan, Scott Moe, støtter ikke Trudeau:

“Saskatchewan does not support the Trudeau government invoking the Emergencies Act. If the federal government does proceed with this measure, I would hope it would only be invoked in provinces that request it, as the legislation allows,” Moe said on Twitter.

Det gjør heller ikke statsministeren i Alberta, hvor det har pågått en stor strei ved grenseovergangen Coutts.

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has also stated his opposition, saying, “We have the legal powers that we need. We have the operational resources that we need to enforce, and I think at this point for the federal government to reach in over top of us without offering anything in particular would frankly be unhelpful.”

Kenney advarer mot at Trudeau skyter «over» uten å tilby de streikende noe som helst.

Heller ikke statsministeren i Manitoba støtter Trudeau.

In Manitoba, where a blockade was set up at the border in the town of Emerson, Premier Heather Stefanson released a statement saying that she did not support the use of the act either.

“In my view, the sweeping effects and signals associated with the never-before-used Emergencies Act are not constructive here in Manitoba, where caution must be taken against overreach and unintended negative consequences,” Stefanson said.

De store byråene gir inntrykk av at Trudeau ble tvunget til å innføre unntakstilstand.

Også statsministeren i fransktalende Quebec er mot innføring av unntakstilstand.

Francois Legault, premier of the French-speaking province of Quebec, has also come out against the Emergencies Act, saying, “I think that I was very clear with the prime minister that the federal Emergencies Act should not, must not apply in Quebec.”

Legault viser forståelse for at myndighetene i Ontario, hvor Ottawa ligger, kan ha behov for unntaksbestemmelser, men de burde vært begrenset til provinsen og ikke omfatte hele landet.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford stated Monday morning that he supported Trudeau’s use of the Emergencies Act just days after Ford declared a province-wide state of emergency to end several border blockades in Ontario, including the blockade of the Ambassador Bridgein Windsor, which sees large volumes of cross-border trade.

“I support the federal government and any proposal they have to bring law and order back to our province, to make sure we stabilize our business and trade around the world,” Ford said.



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