Rosanne Boyland med sine foreldre. De har nå bestemt seg for å gå offentlig ut og kreve svar på hva som skjedde med datteren. Foto: Privat / The Gateway Pundit

Ashli Babbitt ble skutt og drept av politimannen Michael Byrd, til tross for at hun var ubevæpnet og omgitt av politi. Kroppen ble kremert etter få dager. Nå står foreldrene til et annet kvinnelig dødsoffer, Rosanne Boyland, frem. De vil ha svar på hva som skjedde med deres datter. Men stadsfysikus i Washington D.C. nekter å utlevere obduksjonspapirene.

Det er ikke tillitvekkende at ofrene for politivold blir kremert uten at de pårørende kontaktes, slik det skjedde med Ashli Babbitt. Det er slikt som skjer i politistater. Alle bevis slettes.

I Boylands tilfelle er det snakk om at hun ble kvalt under en menneskemengde og slått til døde av en sort politikvinne, Lila Morris.

Thanks to our investigative reporting, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) grilled attorney general Merrick Garland about Boyland’s death and the video we exposed that shows her being beaten and possibly killed by a DC Police Officer on Capitol Steps. Gohmert asked Attorney General Merrick Garland if a determination was ever made to the DC Metro Police Officer who struck Rosanne Boyland repeatedly in the head with a rod before she died. Garland then proceeded to lie to the nation in front of the House Judiciary Committee and say “he believed there was an investigation.” That is false. The Boyland family has since contacted the Department Justice and were told there was no such investigation.

Justisminister Merrick Garland sier akkurat det som er politisk opportunt i øyeblikket, om det så betyr å lyve under ed. Den politiske kulturen i Washington er blitt slik at det å lyve under ed er blitt rutine. Det får ingen konsekvenser.

Familien går nå ut og stiller justisdepartementet til ansvar:

The Government and Mainstream Media smeared the woman and inaccurately reported that Boyland died of a drug overdose back in January. Since then we have uncovered shocking video and eyewitness testimony that proves Boyland more than likely died as a result of police brutality that day. We demanded an investigation into DC Metropolitan police officer Lila Morris, who was seen beating Boyland with devastating force as she lay unconscious on Capitol steps, as well as an investigation into the death of Boyland. The government has yet to conduct any formal investigation into the matter.

Tina Ryan er leder for foreningen for politiske fanger i USA.

“We need to help these folks crowdsource for proper attorneys, simply because the government will not release any of this information or video willingly,” said Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution. “It does not go with their narrative. Their false narrative is that Trump supporters were insurrectionists- but the truth is emerging that police attacked, provoked and killed Trump supporters. The truth that is emerging around the case of Boyland is that she was a peaceful protester that was beaten viciously by police who more than likely killed her. Trump supporters were the only ones trying to help her, not police. Many of those supporters now languish in jail in solitary confinement, stripped of their voices. An innocent family is left with no answers as to the death of their daughter. That is the real story the Government is trying to hide so they can continue to capitalize on the unfortunate events of that day, now at the large expense of an average America family.”

Familien har videoklipp som viser hvordan deres datter ligger bevisstløs å bakken. De forsøker å gi henne akutthjelp, men politiet svarer med tåregass. Til slutt drar politiet henne i ett ben og inn i kjelleren under Kongressen.

Mediene meldte at hun hadde dødd av en overdose. Det var grovt villedende. Hun hadde brukt stoff, men hadde vært ren i syv år. Hun gikk på medisiner, og en av dem var Adderall, mot ADHD. Da meldte myndighetene at hun døde av amfetamin.

The medical examiner originally told the Boyland family that Rosanne more than likely succumbed to a fentanyl overdose. This made no sense too and broke the heart of the Boyland family, who were very close to Rosanne and were positive she was not using fentanyl. It took them over four months to get the final toxicology reports from the DC Medical Examiner, which showed no fentanyl in Boyland’s blood. Rather, the only thing in her system was her regular prescription medications she had taken for years. Those prescriptions were Adderall (used for Attention Deficit Disorder), a light antidepressant and an average amount of caffeine. The Medical examiner then made the decision to dub Boyland’s death as an “amphetamine overdose”, capitalizing on the fact that the prescription drug Adderall contains amphetamine salts as its main ingredient.

Første gang Roseanne stemte, var det på Trump. Hun sa at han ikke var perfekt, men det var heller ikke hun. Rosanne var den typiske «deplorable» som Trump fikk mobilisert. Derfor hatet de ham.

6. januar ble organisert som en stor siste operasjon av FBI for å kompromittere Trump. Et siste stikk. Den ultimate triumf: Trump kunne dra en million til Washington, men de kunne organisere opptøyene som gjorde alle til kriminelle.

Det hører med til historien at leder av Citizens Against Political Persecution, Tina Ryan, nylig fikk et team FBI-agenter på døren. De la henne i håndjern, ransaket huset og mishandlet hennes datter på 18.

Slik er det nye USA.



MUST-READ EXCLUSIVE! Family of Rosanne Boyland Who was KILLED on January 6th Is DENIED HER FULL AUTOPSY REPORT – Speak Out for First Time and Plead for Government Investigation — PLEASE HELP THE BOYLAND FAMILY HERE!


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