En ting er hva Jan Psaki sa da Demokratene og wokemediene gikk bananas over Trumps telefon med Zelenski, etter at de i månedsvis hadde unnlatt å skrive om Hunter og Burisma.

Noe annet er at hun på spørsmål om Bidens telefon med Ghani, svarer at samtalen var «privat». Presidentens samtale med en annen president er aldri «privat» og det ved Psaki godt.

At the White House press briefing on Wednesday, Psaki dodged questions about Biden’s phone call with Ghani.

«Well, I’m not going to get into private, diplomatic conversations or leaked transcripts of phone calls,» Psaki said. «But what I can reiterate for you is that we have stated many times that no one anticipated … that the Taliban would be able to take over the country as quickly as they did or that the Afghan National Security Forces would fold as quickly as they did.»

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