Israels statsminister Benjamin Netanyahu under et møte med israelsk grensepoliti i Lod den 13. mai 2021. Foto: Yuval Chen / Yediot Ahronot / AP NTB.

Mer enn 750 personer har de siste dagene blitt arrestert i forbindelse med vold og opptøyer i Israel hvor jøder og arabere bor i de samme områdene.

120 av dem ble arrestert på forskjellige steder torsdag, og 43 bare i Lod fredag, skriver Jerusalem Post.

Torsdag ble det kastet stein mot en buss i Haifa:

A bus in Haifa was pelted by rioters late Thursday night, slightly injuring one woman, as the driver managed to escape the barrage and save the bus passengers from further injury, the bus company reported.

Samme sted har arabere kastet steiner på biler tilhørende jøder:

In Haifa, eight people were arrested in clashes between Arab protesters and police. During the riots, stones were thrown at Jewish vehicles in the area of Wadi Nisnas, an Arab neighborhood, close to the downtown area.

I Jaffa rett ved Tel Aviv er en soldat blitt alvorlig skadet etter å ha blitt angrepet med steiner:

In Jaffa, a 19-year-old soldier was severely injured and hospitalized after he was attacked by violent rioters in the city on Thursday afternoon, suffering skull fractures and internal bleeding.

En annen soldat er blitt påkjørt med bil:

Another soldier arrived in the emergency room on Thursday night, after he left a restaurant and was cut off by a car, thrown to the ground and attacked. He was lightly injured.

I Lod har det vært skyting:

Footage in which live gunfire can be heard emerged from the mixed Arab-Jewish neighborhood of Ramat Eshkol in Lod, and a young man sustained a gunshot wound in his lower body.

Samme sted er en mann blitt knivstukket på vei til synagogen:

Also in Lod, a Jewish man was stabbed near a mosque on his way to a synagogue on Thursday morning, Lod Mayor Yair Revivo told Army Radio. The victim was reported to be in moderate condition.

Arabisk mobb går ikke av veien for lynsjing:

Tensions have boiled to new heights in mixed cities with large Arab in populations. Two people on Wednesday were publicly lynched during riots in both Bat Yam and Acre.

A Jewish citizen in his 30s was in critical condition after he was attacked by a mob of Arab demonstrators near Egged Square in Acre.

I Lod er det blitt erklært unntakstilstand.

Israels statsminister Benjamin Netanyahu sier at den indre uroen er den største trusselen. Regjeringens taktikk i øyeblikket er å rulle ut mest mulig politi for å dempe gemyttene.

Også fra jødisk side finnes det et voldspotensial:

The far-right Jewish organization Lehava, who are ideologically against assimilation between Jews and non-Jews, announced that it will be handing out pepper spray and tear gas to activists starting next week.

«Tonight at 8 p.m. in Haifa we are going to show Haifa’s Arab’s that this is a Jewish city,» a screenshot of one of the flyers for the planned riots, shared by N12, read.

Jerusalem Post har registrert mange andre tilfeller av vold, skadeverk og spenning rundt om i Israel. Spørsmålet er om israelsk politi vil klare å forhindre en eskalerende situasjon med mange drepte.

Israels forsvarssjef Aviv Kohavi sier han ikke ønsker å sette inn hæren for å gjenopprette alminnelig orden.


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