Etter at Apple og Google fjernet Parler fra sine app-tjenester, har Amazon sluttet å yte sky-tjenester til det forholdsvis nye sosiale mediet, som tilbyr en form for mikroblogging som ligner Twitters.

Amazon forklarer beslutningen med at Parler ikke har fjernet voldelig innhold. Wall Street Journal omtaler det hele som en kampanje fra teknologigigantene:

Apple Inc. and Inc. halted support for Parler, dealing a major blow to a social-media service that has soared in popularity among conservatives and escalating a campaign by tech giants to regulate content they see as dangerous in the wake of the mob attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Amazon said Saturday it would no longer provide cloud-computing services to Parler, and Apple suspended the company’s app from the App Store. Both companies said Parler hasn’t demonstrated in recent conversations that it can adequately address threats of violence on the platform.

Parler har som poliy å fjerne voldelig innhold, og har trappet opp innsatsen for å fjerne det. Når teknologigigantene hevder at innsatsen er utilstrekkelig, er det vikarierende grunn for å stikke kjeppper i hjulene på Parler, mener ledelsen for selskapet.

“This was a coordinated attack by the tech giants to kill competition in the market place,” Chief Executive John Matze said in a Saturday post on Parler. “We were too successful too fast. You can expect the war on competition and free speech to continue, but don’t count us out.”

Amazon er verdens største tilbyder av sky-tjenester, opplyser Wall Street Journal.

På politisk hold i USA bekymrer man seg for de store teknologiselskapenes makt:

The latest decisions come as big tech companies are under scrutiny in Washington for the power they hold over their digital worlds. Apple, Google and Amazon have been accused by some lawmakers of anticompetitive behavior in how they operate. Apple, Amazon and Google have denied such claims.


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