Jon Ossoff har bånd til Kinas kommunistiske parti og finansieres av Big Tech. Foto: Brendan Camp/AP/Scanpix

Jon Ossoff får dobbelt så mye penger fra tech-selskaper i California som fra delstatens egne, viser tall som Center for Responsive Politics har samlet inn.

Ossoff’s top contributors include Google’s parent company Alphabet, which contributed $952,685; Apple, which contributed $295,794; Microsoft, which contributed $275,864; Amazon, which contributed $255,115; and Facebook, which contributed $225,313, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Beløpene til Republikaneren Perdue er betydelig mindre.

Perdue’s top contributors include Delta Airlines, which contributed $130,779; Home Depot, which contributed $108,419; and Goldman Sachs, which contributed $86,225, according to the research group.

Perdue forsøker å slå politisk mynt på at konkurrenten henter mesteparten av pengene fra California og New York.

«We’ve been talking about it throughout the race that most of my opponent’s money is coming from Big Tech in California,» Perdue said. «He raised twice as much money in California as he did in the state of Georgia. In fact, in the general election, over 80% of his money came from New York and California primarily.»

Perdue unnlot heller ikke å minne om Ossoffs bånd til Kina og Al Jazeera.

«So this is a trust fund baby that never created one American job who has really scandalous ties with the Chinese Communist Party and Al-Jazeera for that matter and has never answered any of those issues,» he continued.

Perdue hits Ossoff campaign for accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars from Big Tech execs

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