Elon Musk. Stillbilde: All-In Podcast / YouTube.

I en nylig podkast går Elon Musk langt i å antyde at USAs president Joe Biden er en tom dress: «Den virkelige presidenten er den som kontrollerer teleprompteren», hevder Musk.

Hvis noen skulle lene seg på Bidens teleprompter, kunne det bli en katastrofe, antydet verdens rikeste mann da han mandag var gjest hos All-In Podcast.

Fox Business siterer Musk:

«I do feel like if somebody were to accidentally lean on the teleprompter, it’s going to be like Anchorman,» the CEO added, referencing the 2004 film in which Ron Burgundy reads whatever is written on the teleprompter, even if it would ruin his career.

Joe Biden ser på teleprompteren idet han taler under en mottagelse for Hellas’ statsminister Kyriakos Mitsotakis i Det hvite hus den 16. mai 2022. Foto: Susan Walsh / AP / NTB.

Tesla- og SpaceX-gründeren begrenset seg ikke til å filleriste Bidens taleevner, men kritiserte også presidenten for å ha trykket for mye penger. Hvis regjeringen fortsetter på denne måten, kan USA bli som Venezuela, sa Musk, som opplyser at han nesten alltid har stemt på Demokratene selv.

Biden-administrasjonen får ikke gjort noe særlig, og partiet er under kontroll av andre, hevdet han:

«This administration doesn’t seem to get a lot done,» Musk said. «The Trump administration, leaving Trump aside, there were a lot of people in the administration who were effective at getting things done.»

He also claimed that the Democratic Party is «overly controlled by the unions and by the trial lawyers, particularly the class action lawyers.» He argued that when Democrats go against «the interests of the people,» it tends to come from the unions and the trial lawyers, while when Republicans do that, «it’s because of corporate evil and religious zealotry.»

«In the case of Biden, he is simply too much captured by the unions, which was not the case with Obama,» Musk said.

Det at inflasjonen er blitt så høy i USA, er helt i tråd med klassisk økonomisk lære, mener Musk: Hvis du trykker masse penger, og pengene fortsetter å sirkulere like raskt som før, vel så stiger prisen.

«I mean, the obvious reason for inflation is that the government printed a zillion amount of more money than it had, obviously,» Musk said, echoing Republican critics who claim that Biden’s American Rescue Plan COVID-19 relief stimulus bill contributed to the near-40-year-high inflation the U.S. experienced in April.

«So it’s like the government can’t just, you know, issue checks far in excess of revenue without there being inflation, you know, velocity of money held constant,» the Tesla CEO argued. «If the federal government writes checks, they never bounce. So that is effectively creation of more dollars. And if there are more dollars created, then the increase in the goods and services across the economy, then you have inflation, again, velocity of money held constant.»

Musk insisted that «this is just very basic» and «not like, you know, super complicated.»

Mange land har prøvd å løse sine problemer med pengetrykking før, fortsatte Musk og viste til hvordan det er gått i Venezuela, der fattigdommen herjer.

Musk snakket også om planene for å overta Twitter. Det trengs en upartisk digital offentlighet, mener han.

«I think there’s a need for a public town square, digital town square that where people can debate issues of all kinds, including the most substantive issues,» he said. In order for that to work, the platform needs to be «as broadly inclusive as possible» and it needs to feel «balanced from a political standpoint,» that is «not biased one way or the other.»

Twitter er i øyeblikket dominert av ytre venstre, mener Musk:

«The reality is that Twitter, at this point, has a very far left bias,» Musk said. «And I would trust myself as a moderate and neither Republican or Democrat.»

Verdens rikeste mann beklaget seg også over situasjonen i California:

Musk also lamented the decline of the state of California. He said the Golden State was once «the land of opportunity» but it has become the land of «taxes, overregulation, and litigation.» He said, «There’s got to be like a serious cleaning out of the pipes in California.»

Etter at Elon Musks planer om å kjøpe Twitter ble kjent, har det vært spekulert i om han vil flytte selskapet til Texas.


[arve url=»https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnxzrX9tNoc» /]



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