President Xi Jinping. Foto: Naohiko Hatta / REUTERS /NTB scanpix

Oppfatningen av Kina har gått i negativ retning i en rekke industriland fra 2002 til i år, ifølge en PEW-meningsmåling.

Views of China have grown more negative in recent years across many advanced economies, and unfavorable opinion has soared over the past year, a new 14-country Pew Research Center survey shows. Today, a majority in each of the surveyed countries has an unfavorable opinion of China. And in Australia, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United States, South Korea, Spain and Canada, negative views have reached their highest points since the Center began polling on this topic more than a decade ago.

Negative views of China increased most in Australia, where 81% now say they see the country unfavorably, up 24 percentage points since last year. In the UK, around three-quarters now see the country in a negative light – up 19 points. And, in the U.S., negative views of China have increased nearly 20 percentage points since President Donald Trump took office, rising 13 points since just last year.


Pew Research Center er amerikansk forskningssenter med sete i Washington, D.C., som formidler informasjon om samfunnsforhold i USA og globalt. Det er blant annet fokusert på holdninger, demografi, religion og media. Det er politisk uavhengig og gir ikke politiske anbefalinger.


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