Trump har tatt kampen opp mot selskaper som lefler med BLM, men bannlyser Make America Great Again-caps. – Hvis de kan spille spillet, kan vi også, sier Trump da det kom frem at dekkprodusenten Goodyear diskriminerer.

Trump called for a boycott of Goodyear tires earlier on Wednesday after the company had supposedly banned employees from wearing “Make America Great Again” hats. “Don’t buy GOODYEAR TIRES – They announced a BAN ON MAGA HATS. Get better tires for far less! (This is what the Radical Left Democrats do. Two can play the same game, and we have to start playing it now!)”

The “ban on MAGA hats” the president referred to reportedly originates from a Goodyear training slideshow in Topeka, Kanas, that said “Black Lives Matter” was “acceptable” clothing while “Blue Lives Matter” and “MAGA Attire” was not acceptable.

Presidentens bil kalles The Beast og den kjører på Goodyear-dekk. Men det må den ikke, sa Trump på spørsmål onsdag. Den kan godt kjøre på andre dekk. Han fikk spørsmål om han ville boikotte Goodyear.

Trump responded, “Yeah, I would do that. I would swap them out based on what I heard. We’ll see what happens. Look. you’re going to have lot of people not wanting to buy that product anymore. They’ll buy it from a competitor — made in the USA, too.”

Det interessante er hva Trump sier om at det går an å ta igjen med samme mynt:

Two can play the same game, and we have to start playing it now!)”

Hvis Trump skulle vinne 3. november kan det gi større markedsmakt til hans velgere. Det kan være at noen selskaper kommer til å angre hvor sterkt de har markert seg som woke.


Trump Says Goodyear Tires Will Be Removed From Presidential Limousine, Doubles Down On Boycott

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