Mannen som gikk amok med kniv i Streatham i London søndag, er den 19 år gamle Sudesh Amman fra Harrow. Gitt hans jihadist-bakgrunn er det grunn til å tro at noen vil måtte stå til ansvar for at han ble sluppet ut før halve straffen var sonet – for nettopp terrorrekruttering.

Det er ikke første gang en terrorist viser seg å ha en historie. Mannen som gikk amok på London Bridge, Usman Khan, gikk på et kurs for omskolering av jihadister. Han lurte lærerne til å tro han var blitt et annet menneske.

Sudesh Amman, 19, from Harrow, fantasised about carrying out a terror attack with a blade or with acid while riding a moped and also shared Al Qaeda propaganda on a WhatsApp group used by his family.

He was jailed for three years and four months in December 2018 after he pleaded guilty to possessing and distributing terrorist documents.

However, it has now emerged that he was released just a few days ago, after serving half of his sentence, despite authorities being concerned that he continued to hold extremist views.

Sudesh Amman var under aktiv overvåking da han gikk inn i en butikk, hentet en kniv og gikk løs på folk. En mann svever mellom liv og død. En kvinne er lettere skadd.

Boris Johnson lover nye tiltak mandag.

After the rampage, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the government would announce further plans for ‘fundamental changes to the system for dealing with those convicted of terrorism offences’ on Monday.

Sudesh Amman ba kjæresten om å drepe sine «kuffar» foreldre. Sudesh Amman la ikke skjul på sine planer om terror. Likevel ble han ikke buret inn, men sluppet ut igjen i samfunnet.

Sudesh Mamoor Faraz Amman, 18, told his girlfriend she should kill her ‘kuffar’ parents and said he was planning a terrorist attack in Queensbury, northwest London, during Skype chats.

The former science and maths student at North West London College scrawled notes replicating recipes for making homemade plastic explosives in a purple notebook.

Amman posted a link to a pdf copy of the ‘Inspire’ magazine focusing on the idea of the ‘Lone Jihad’ in a family WhatsApp group in January this year.

The document contained an article about ‘the successful pressure cooker bomb’ and provided detailed instructions on how to maximise casualties through the use of IEDs.

The court heard he planned to conduct an attack was focused on using a knife but reference was also made to committing acid attacks on moped.

Prosecutor Kelly Brocklehurst said police were alerted by a Dutch blogger who identified extremist material in a Telegram chat in April.

There was a photo of a knife and two firearms on a Shahada flag bearing Arabic words which mean ‘armed and ready’.

Hvis en høyreekstremt hadde fantasert åpent om å massakrere mennesker, ville vedkommende fått en streng straff og ikke sluppet ut igjen. Nå kan det se ut til at selv jihadister gis nye sjanser.




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