Dmitrij Medvedev advarer Vesten: Hvis de langtrekkende rakettene som USA leverer Ukraina brukes mot russisk jord, vil svaret komme mot vestlige hovedsteder, ikke Kyiv.

“If, God forbid, these weapons are used against Russian territory then our armed forces will have no other choice but to strike decision-making centres,” said Dmitry Medvedev, a former prime minister under Putin who is deputy chairman of Russia’s national security council.

Det er første gang Russland kommer med spesifikke, konkrete trusler om å ramme mål i Vest-Europa som gjengjeldelse. Gitt kontekst er det liten tvil om at trusselen er seriøst ment.

Medvedev etterlot ingen tvil om hva Moskva mener:

“Of course, it needs to be understood that the final decision-making centres in this case, unfortunately, are not located on the territory of Kyiv,” he said in an interview with Al Jazeera. Officials in Moscow have accused Nato of using the war in Ukraine to wage a proxy war against Russia.

Zelenskyj lovte at Ukraina ikke kommer til å bruke rakettsystemene mot Russland. Men Kreml er ikke overbevist.

The White House said it had agreed to provide Ukraine with the guided missiles after receiving assurances from President Zelensky that they would not be used to hit targets inside Russia. The Kremlin said it did not believe Zelensky. “The United States is directly and intentionally adding fuel to the fire,” Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesman, said.


Russia will strike West if US rockets hit us, says Putin ally

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