Pastor Artur Pawlowski ble pågrepet av canadisk politi i Coutts, Alberta, for å ha holdt messe for streikende truckere. Han er satt i isolasjon. Pawlowski er arrestert flere ganger for å ha brutt koronaregler. Arrestasjonen var denne gang brutal og begrunnelsen tynn.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski was arrested on February 8, before he left his house to perform a church service for the truckers who had set up a blockade on the Alberta-Montana border to protest vaccine passports. He has been charged with mischief over $5,000, aiding and abetting the blocking of critical infrastructure, and for breaching the bail condition for “not keeping the peace,” stemming from a previous arrest.

Flere av protestantene i Amerika har bakgrunn fra den tidligere østblokken. De hevder de kjenner igjen tyranniske tendenser og ønsker å alarmere befolkningen før det er for sent.

Broren Dawid forteller om røff behandling i fengslet.

He was forced to go to the bathroom with an officer present and watching. They locked him twice in a small cage resembling a dog kennel with no air circulation, suffocating him for many hours, all without water to drink. After that, he was subjugated to a hard bench three times for hours on end all without any water to drink. When they took him back to his cell, his room was all upside down, flipped and searched for contraband. His bible was confiscated, and his narrated letter that was written to his lawyer was also confiscated.

Pawlowski har laget mye bråk sett fra myndighetenes perspektiv. Men ved å arrestere ham og plassere ham i isolat, har de slått inn på en kurs som gjør Pawlowski til martyr. Dette er den klassiske fellen autoritære regimer setter for seg selv.

Dommeren som fengslet ham og satte ham i isolat, sa det var fordi han rakket ned på og undergravde tilliten til canadisk rettsvesen. I dette resonnementet ligger at sivil ulydighet ikke lenger er lov hvis myndighetene mener det undergraver deres autoritet. Det er en klassisk illiberal definisjon som Trudeaus regime har begitt seg inn på.

Lethbridge Judge Erin Olsen on Feb. 17 agreed with the government’s concerns that the pastor “will re-offend and undermine the public’s confidence in the administration of justice, if he is released,” the Lethbridge Herald reported.

“There is a substantial likelihood that the accused will, if released from custody, commit a criminal offence or interfere with the administration of justice,” Olsen said. “The accused’s pattern of behaviour speaks volumes about his willful commission of offences and/or violations of court and public health orders.”

Pawlowski er allerede en martyr. Hans sønn Nathan var på Bannons WarRoom og fortalte hvordan politiet har holdt huset deres under oppsikt.

“An undercover minivan staked out our house, and they got him—they arrested him,” Nathan told Bannon. “He has been behind bars, in solitary confinement 23 hours a day with only one hour to contact family and friends and lawyers—for doing his job and practicing his constitutional rights.”

Den virkelige grunnen til arrestasjonen er nok pastorens oppfordring til truckerne om ikke å gi seg. En pastor med bakgrunn fra Polen og Solidaritet vet noe om sivil ulydighet.

“The totalitarian regime here in Canada is cracking down on any and all political opposition,” Pawlowski’s son Nathan said on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast on Monday. The younger Pawlowski said his father has been fasting since he was put in jail two weeks ago.

During a 20 minute speech to the truckers on February 3, Pastor Pawlowski urged them to hold the line and stand their ground without resorting to violence.

“Because of that speech, the government is claiming that he is responsible for the continuation of the trucker blockade down on the border,” Nathan said, going on to explain that his father was arrested at home before he could address the protesters again.

Pawlowski er nektet kausjon to ganger. Et autoritært regime er sensitivt og på vakt mot opposisjon og blir over tid paranoide. Trudeaus svar er klassisk tyrannisk: Sperr fiendene inne.

Hvor lenge kan dette pågå? Før eller siden må Trudeau slippe pastoren løs.


Canadian Pastor Arrested And Thrown in Solitary Confinement After Preaching to Blockade Truckers

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