Sinte foreldre protesterer utenfor Batley Grammar School i Yorkshire, 26 Mar 2021. Læreren bor nå på hemmelig adresse. Selv hans slektninger vet ikke hvor han holder til. Foto: Ioannis Alexopoulos/ LNP/ Shutterstock /NTB

En lærer ved Batley Grammar School viste karikaturtegninger for klassen i undervisningen. Dette fikk imamer og islamtilhengere til å reagere med et voldsomt raseri. Nå lever læreren på hemmelig adresse.

A teacher who sparked fury by showing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed to pupils during a lesson about blasphemy is living in a ‘safe house’ with his wife and children because of fears they will be attacked.

More than six weeks after fleeing his home following angry demonstrations outside Batley Grammar School in West Yorkshire, the teacher and his family are still being given police protection. The threat to their safety is judged so severe that even their relatives have not been told where they are living.

Ifølge en tidligere nabo kan ikke lærerens barn lenger gå på skolen.

Myndighetene i Storbritannia, skoleledelsen og lærernes fagforening bøyer seg for den islamistiske mobben. Trusselen om vold er reell, som vi så da læreren Samuel Paty ble halshugget i Frankrike, på åpen gate.

To andre lærere skal også være under etterforskning. Ifølge Daily Mail viser enkelte imamer og muslimske foreldre tegn til anger. Men andre setter hardt mot hardt.

Local Muslim leaders and many of those who have children at the school, including some of those who initially joined the protests outside its gates, now believe matters have spiralled out of control and that the teacher should be reinstated.

But Imam Adil Shahzad, who travelled to Batley from Bradford to join the protests, wants the teacher dismissed. ‘A precedent has to be set. Suspending the teacher was in the right direction and we won’t accept anything less than a sacking.’

Ifølge en elev på skolen skal læreren ha vist fram en rekke ulike karikaturer, også av tidligere president Donald Trump, pave Frans og Storbritannias statsminister Boris Johnson.

Daily Telegraph forteller at en lærerstudent har fått en reprimande for å vise støtte til Batley-læreren.

A teacher trainee was summoned to a fitness to practise meeting after saying he “would not hesitate” to use drawings of the Prophet Mohammed in class.

The student, who is due to complete his Postgraduate Certificate in Education course this summer, has accused staff at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) of reacting in a “ludicrous” manner.

En talsperson for MMU hevder de alltid har støttet ytringsfriheten, men…

However, there is a difference between the expectations on students within an academic environment on a university campus and the expectations once our students move into a professional practice environment, such as a primary school.

In this instance, it was thought best to have an initial discussion with the student about the potential impact in a primary school environment of the suggestion that he would be happy to share imagery which would be upsetting to people of a particular faith.

We believe the discussion with the student was positive and constructive and we await further feedback from him before deciding whether any further steps are required.

Yrtingsfriheten eksisterer, men ikke for lærere som «krenker» islam altså. Blasfemi er tillatt når den rammer jøder eller paven, men Muhammed er fredet.

Daily Mail
Daily Telegraph

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