Jack Ma, co-founder and executive chair of the Alibaba Group, arrives for the «Tech For Good» meetup at Hotel Marigny in Paris on May 15, 2019, held to discuss good conduct for technology giants. – French President and New Zealand’s premier will host other world leaders and leading tech chiefs to launch an ambitious new initiative known as the «Christchurch call» aimed at curbing extremism online. The political meeting will run in parallel to an initiative launched by the French President called «Tech for Good» which will bring together 80 tech chiefs in Paris to find a way for new technologies to work for the common good. (Photo by Bertrand GUAY / AFP) (Photo credit should read BERTRAND GUAY/AFP via Getty Images)

Kommunistpartiet tillater ingen å bli så mektig at de kan utfordre dets makt. Derfor ble Kinas rikeste mann, Jack Ma, «forsvunnet» rett før han skulle gjøre tidenes børsnotering med sitt selskap Ali Baba. Jack Ma var blitt litt for frittalende. Han trodde han kunne fortelle hva som ikke fungerer med det kinesiske markedet, uten reaksjoner.

Jack Ma glemte hvor han var. Det gjør ikke navnebroren Tony Ma – intet slektskap – og hans Tencent Holdings.

Pony Ma hadde fått fortrede for den mektige antitrustkomiteen torsdag.

Tencent described his chat with regulators on Thursday as “voluntary” and “one of the regular meetings that we have,” covering “a broad range of topics.”

“The main focus is actually on creating a healthy environment for innovation to happen in China,” said Tencent President Martin Lau Chi-ping.

Some of Reuters’ sources said Ma went out of his way to let the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) know he was ready to play ball, requesting a meeting with China’s all-powerful State Administration of Market Regulation (SAMR) during the convention of China’s rubber-stamp legislature, the National People’s Congress, a few weeks ago. Thursday’s talk between Ma and SAMR would apparently have been his first personal conversation with the regulatory body.

Vestlige forbrukere er ikke klar over hvor store kinesiske selskaper er blitt. Tencent er verdens største gamingselskap. De har også investert i Hollywood-filmer som den neste Men in Black og Terminator. Det kinesiske markedet betyr mer og mer for Hollywood som tilpasser seg de politiske rammene.

Grensene for amerikansk ytringsfrihet bestemmes i Kina.

Nå er de kinesiske selskapene innblandet i den politiske kampen om uigurene og kinesisk bomull. Britiske Burburry har designet noen klær til spillet Honour of Kings, men Tencent fikk beskjed om å ta dem ut fordi Burberry boikotter bomull fra Xinjang.

Tencent was dragged into the CCP’s sudden and ferocious pushback against allegations of slave labor in Xinjiang province on Thursday, removing two character skins designed by British fashion house Burberry from “Honor of Kings” – an online game with almost 100 million players in China – because Burberry refuses to buy cotton from Xinjiang. The CCP is seeking to punish all foreign companies that dared to criticize its use of forced labor by Uyghur Muslims.


Fresh from Breaking Down Alibaba, China Targets Tencent for ‘Antitrust’ Action




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