Commissioner Danielle Outlaw fra det lokale politiet i Philadelphia sier at ofrene er fra 17 til 70 år. Skjermdump Twitter

Syv personer ble skutt ved en jernbanestasjon i Philadelphia onsdag ettermiddag (amerikansk tid). En person er pågrepet, men flere er etterlyst etter hendelsen. To våpen er beslaglagt, skriver ABC News.

Ofrene er mellom 17 og 71 år.

The 71-year-old man was shot in the stomach and multiple times in both legs and is listed in critical condition, authorities said.

The other six victims are in stable condition, police said.

«It’s very brazen,» Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said of the afternoon shooting. «We were able to get someone in custody as quickly as we did because we had officers out working on another assignment. It’s not for our lack of presence out here, but I think it’s very telling that folks willing to engage in these shootings are becoming more and more emboldened whether we’re here or not.»

Outlaw added, «There could be multiple shooters, but we still don’t know. There were multiple casings found, 18 casings, and we’re still trying to determine if they all came from the same firearm.»

Flere Twitter-meldinger fra det lokale politiet omtaler hendelsen.

Inquirer skriver om kriminalitetsutviklingen i Philadelphia:

The shooting, in broad daylight near a busy transportation hub, was the latest bloody incident in an already-violent 2021 in the city.

Through Monday, according to police statistics, 257 people had been shot so far this year — a 56% increase over last year’s pace. No other single incident had wounded as many people as Wednesday’s shooting.

Police have also reported 71 homicides so far this year, a 48% increase compared to this time last year.

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